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Five-Year-Old Super Hiker

Five-Year-Old Super Hiker

News For Kids

2021/10/04 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I like hiking… but I don't think I could hike for seven months!

One young boy in America hiked on a mountain trail with his mom and dad… for 209 days! That's about seven months! 一個小男孩跟著父母在山上走了209天!

The boy's name is Harvey. When Harvey first started hiking on the trail, he was only four years old! His birthday came when they were hiking. And now he's five years old! 小Harvey開始登山健行時才四歲,現在五歲了。

Harvey and his family went hiking on a long trail in America. The trail is in the mountains and it's more than 3,500 kilometers long! Harvey跟他家人走過的山路一共3500多公里。 Wow! That's a long way!

Harvey and his family slept in a tent every night and they had to carry all the food and water they needed. That's a lot of work! 他們每天晚上睡在帳篷裡,白天要自己揹食物跟水走山路,很辛苦吧!

Now, the hike is finished and Harvey is going to kindergarten. But he says he still wants to keep hiking!

Do you like hiking? Do you think that you could hike for seven months! No?

Wow! Harvey and his parents are really cool people!



  1. Mountain trail 山路。
    I went hiking on a mountain trail yesterday. 我昨天去走山上的步道。
    On Jade Mountain? 在玉山上嗎?
    No, on Big Snow Mountain. 不是,是在大雪山。

  2. Month 月。
    Again? Didn't you just go there last month? 你又去喔? 你不是上個月才去過?
    I did. I want to hike there every month. 沒錯,我想每個月都去那兒健行。

  3. Family 家人。
    I enjoy traveling with my family. 我喜歡跟家人一起旅行。
    Me too. It's more fun to visit a new place with family. 我也是。去新的地方跟家人一起比較好玩。

  4. Carry 攜帶。
    Do we need to carry water? 我們需要帶水嗎?
    Yes, water and food. 是的,帶水和食物。

mountain trail 山路
month 月
family 家人
carry 攜帶


  1. How long did Harvey and his family go hiking for?
    A: About seven days
    B: About seven years
    C: About seven months

  2. How long was their hike?
    A: More than 3,500 kilometers
    B: More than 500 meters
    C: More than 10,000 kilometers

  3. How old was Harvey when they started hiking?
    A: 40 years old
    B: Four years old
    C: Six years old


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B