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Girl Allowed to Own a Unicorn

Girl Allowed to Own a Unicorn

News For Kids

2023/02/16 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

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Hey students! Do you have a pet? Maybe you have a dog. Or maybe you have a cat. Or maybe a bird. Or maybe you have a unicorn?

What? Unicorns aren't real? Shhh! I know that, and you know that. But don't tell an American girl named Madeline.
你們有養寵物嗎?狗狗、貓咪、小鳥,還是獨角獸呢?我們都知道獨角獸不是真的,但可別跟 Madeline 講喔!

Madeline lives in California. She really wants a unicorn. But she wants to make sure she can own a unicorn if she finds one. So, she wanted to first get a license.
Madeline 住在加州,她很想要養一隻獨角獸。為了確定她找到獨角獸之後可以養牠,Madeline 想要先申請一個證照。

She asked the Los Angeles animal control people to give her a license, and they did! They sent her a license. The license is in the shape of a heart. They also sent her a small stuffed toy unicorn. Ahh, so cute!

Madeline was really happy to get the license. But, the animal control people said there are some things she must do. Madeline has to take it out of her house sometimes so it can see the sun and the moon and rainbows. Also, she must polish its horn once a month with a soft cloth. Oh, and she has to feed it watermelon once a week.
動物管理局人員說 Madeline 必須好好照顧獨角獸,要帶牠出門看看太陽、月亮,跟彩虹。還要每個月一次保養牠的角,並且每星期要餵牠吃西瓜!

I hope you find your unicorn, Madeline. Good luck!


  1. toy 玩具
    I used to have many stuffed animal toys. 我以前有很多絨毛動物玩具。
    Me too. My favorite one was a giraffe. 我也是,我最喜歡的是長頸鹿。

  2. find 找到
    Did you find it at a store? 你在商店裡找到的?
    No, my dad gave it to me. 不,是我爸爸給我的。
    That's one reason I loved it so much. 這是我愛它的理由之一。

  3. cute 可愛的
    It's soft and cute and has a long neck. 它又軟又可愛,還有長脖子。
    Do you still have it? 你還擁有它嗎?
    No. 沒有了。

  4. send 送出
    But I made sure that it has a good home. 不過我確定它有個溫暖的家。
    How? 你怎麼做的?
    I sent it back to my dad. 我把它送回去給我爸。
    You sent it back? 送回去了?
    Yeah, my dad loved it, too! 對,我爸也喜歡它。

toy 玩具
find 找到
cute 可愛的
send 送出


  1. Where does Madeline live?
    A: Australia
    B: Canada
    C: The United States

  2. What shape is the license Madeline got?
    A: A heart
    B: A unicorn
    C: A watermelon

  3. What must Madeline do if she finds a unicorn?
    A: Give it fruit sometimes
    B: Keep it locked in her house
    C: Take it for a walk on Sundays


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A