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Pizza Chain Using AI to Make Recommendations

Pizza Chain Using AI to Make Recommendations

News For Kids

2021/09/07 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I'm hungry! Oh no… but it's raining outside! 我很呃,但是在下雨!

I guess I'll order some food and have it delivered to my house. 我想吃一點東西,最好送到家裡來。What do I feel like eating? Hmm… pizza might be a good idea! 吃披薩應該不錯吧!

Wouldn't it be great if restaurants knew exactly what you wanted to eat before you even knew?

In fact, that is what one pizza restaurant is trying to do. They're trying to gather information on customers to guess what people feel like eating before they even order anything! 你還沒有點餐,餐廳已經知道你想吃甚麼了。

For example, if people usually drink a lot of cola on sunny days, this pizza restaurant will know they need to have a lot of cola ready when the weather is nice outside.

And if the restaurant learns that I like to order pepperoni pizza on rainy days, then when it rains in the future, the restaurant might offer me pepperoni pizza… before I even ask! 以後每次碰到下雨,那家餐廳就知道我要點披薩了,我都不用講。

How cool is that? 很酷吧? If more restaurants do this, I won't have to think about what I want in the future, they can just tell me!



  1. Restaurant 餐廳。
    Have you been to any Michelin restaurants? 你去過任何一家米其林餐廳嗎?
    No, but I'd love to. 沒有,不過我很想去。
    Yeah, me too. But those restaurants can be expensive. 我也是,不過那些餐廳可能很貴。

  2. Order 點(餐)。
    So what would you like to order? 你想點什麼?
    Uh… Grilled fish looks nice. 烤魚看起來很不錯。

  3. Information 資訊。
    Where can I find information about pizza? 我到哪裡可以找到有關披薩的資訊?
    Do you want information on how to make it? 你想要怎麼做披薩的資料嗎?
    No. On where to eat it. 不,是要去哪裡吃。

  4. Rain 下雨。
    Is it raining outside? 外面在下雨嗎?
    Oh, yes. It's raining hard. 是的,下得很大。

Please read after me.

Restaurant 餐廳
order 點餐
information 資訊
rain 下雨


  1. What kind of restaurant is mentioned in this story?
    a. A hot dog restaurant
    b. A pizza restaurant
    c. A hamburger restaurant

  2. What does the restaurant want to do?
    a. Guess what food customers want
    b. Put more cheese on pizza
    c. Serve more Coke

  3. What does the narrator decide to order in this story?
    a. Hamburgers
    b. Thai food
    c. Pizza


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C