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New King or Queen Needed for Piel Island

New King or Queen Needed for Piel Island

News For Kids

2022/02/16 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a king or a queen?

Well, now you can be one, kind of…

Piel Island is a tiny island in England. There isn't much there apart from a castle and a pub.

The island does get some visitors though, and someone needs to take care of the island and also serve customers in the pub.

There is an old tradition on the island that the boss of the pub is also King or Queen of Piel Island! And guess what? They need a new one! The king or queen even has a throne.

When they first sit on the throne they have buckets of beer poured all over them.

So, King or Queen of Piel Island! Your own castle, with beautiful nature and amazing views. Sounds pretty cool, right?

Well… actually, it's pretty inconvenient, there's no store on the island! Most of the island doesn't have electricity, and a lot of the time you'll be the only person there!

Hmmm… Sounds lonely. Would you want to be King or Queen of Piel Island?


1) Castle 城堡。
What is a castle, Ryan? 城堡是什麼,萊恩?
A castle is a big house, with many rooms. 城堡是一棟有很多房間的大房子。

2) Inconvenient 不方便。
It must be inconvenient to live in a castle. 住在城堡裡一定不方便。
Very inconvenient. 很不方便。
It usually doesn't have electricity. 通常沒有電。

3) Pretty 相當。
I would feel pretty lonely there. 我會覺得相當寂寞。
No internet and no TV. 沒有網路也沒有電視。
So would I. 我也會。
Maybe I'd get a dog. 也許我會養一隻狗。

4) Lonely 寂寞的。
That's a good idea! 好主意!
When you have a dog, you won't feel lonely. 你有一隻狗就不會覺得寂寞。
Yeah, dogs are good friends. 對,狗狗是好朋友。

Would you like to live in a castle? 一起讀單字。
castle 城堡
inconvenient 不方便
pretty 相當
lonely 寂寞的


  1. What is the name of the island in the story?
    A: Pear Island
    B: Piel Island
    C: Lonely Island

  2. Where is the island?
    A: In France
    B: In England
    C: In South Korea

  3. Which of these does the island have?
    A: A farm
    B: A castle
    C: A school


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B