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Hong Kong Lights the Sky with Lasers

Hong Kong Lights the Sky with Lasers

News For Kids

2022/12/30 | 00:05:09 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


For many people around the world, tomorrow is the end of the year! So, it's "Bye Bye, 2022!", and a big "Hello!" to the year 2023!

Tomorrow, December 31st, is called "New Year's Eve".

Because it's the last day of the year, there's always a big party! Everyone counts in the New Year together…

When the New Year begins, so do the fireworks!

One of the most famous New Year's Eve fireworks shows in the world is right here in Taiwan!

At Taipei 101. It's so tall that people for miles around can all watch and enjoy the fireworks together.

But some countries don't use fireworks for New Year's Eve anymore. In Hong Kong they haven't had any fireworks for 4 years. Instead, they have lasers!

This year they plan to have an awesome laser show for a full ten minutes!

As well as a local drumming group, a crazy-cool skipping rope club, and world-famous pianist Niu Niu!

Maybe you'll be out watching the fireworks in Taipei tomorrow, or the lasers in Hong Kong, or maybe you'll be at home with your friends and family.

Whatever you do, have fun! See you in 2023!



  1. fireworks 煙火
    We must go to this fireworks show! 我們一定要去看煙火秀!
    I love fireworks. 我愛看放煙火。
    When and where? 什麼時候,在哪裡?
    It'll begin at 8 PM tonight at Riverside Park. 今晚八點開始,在河濱公園。

  2. amazing 很棒的
    Alright, we can make it. 好,我們趕得上。
    The sky is so clear today. 今天天空這麼晴朗。
    It'll be an amazing show! 煙火秀會很棒的!

  3. loud 大聲的
    Wow, it's really loud! 哇,好大聲!
    That's because it's right above us. 因為就在我們頭上。

  4. together 在一起
    Why are there so many people? 人怎麼這麼多?
    They're just like you. 他們跟你一樣。
    They like to watch the fireworks show together. 想跟大家一起看煙火。

fireworks 煙火
amazing 很棒的
loud 大聲的
together 在一起


  1. Where is Taiwan's famous New Year's Eve fireworks show?
    A: Taipei Zoo
    B: Taroko Gorge
    C: Taipei 101

  2. How long will Hong Kong's laser show be this year?
    A: 20 minutes
    B: 10 minutes
    C: 2 minutes

  3. Which world-famous pianist will play in Hong Kong?
    A: Mewtwo
    B: Niu Niu
    C: Winnie the Pooh


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B