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Dog Patrol Stops Seagulls

Dog Patrol Stops Seagulls

News For Kids

2022/01/12 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I love the sound of the sea.

But I don't really like the sound of seagulls!

They are very noisy birds!

Sydney Harbour in Australia has a lot of seagulls.

Sydney Harbour is very famous.

Many people visit to see the Opera House, take pictures, go to restaurants and have fun.

So lots of people, and lots of seagulls, right?

The problem is that seagulls steal food!

That's right!

You could be standing on the harbor, enjoying the nice view and eating an ice cream or some fries when suddenly… A seagull could swoop down and take your food!

This has been a problem for years.

But now some people have finally had an idea to stop the seagulls from stealing food.

That's right! Dogs!

Trained dogs now walk around the harbor and if they see seagulls getting too close.

They chase the seagulls away!

It's working really well!

The dogs stop the seagulls from stealing food and everybody loves the dogs too!

Now they are another one of Sydney Harbour's big attractions!



1) Steal 偷竊。
The bird is stealing my food! 那隻鳥在偷我的食物!
I can't believe it! 真不敢相信。
We need to put the food away, or it'll steal again. 我們得把食物收起來,不然牠們會再來偷。

2) Problem 問題。
But my lunch is gone! 但是我的中飯沒了!
That's not a problem. 那不是問題。
Here, we can share my sandwich. 來,我們可以分享我的三明治。

3) Train 訓練。
I think those birds are trained by their mothers. 我想那些鳥是被媽媽訓練出來的。
Trained to steal food? 得到偷食物的訓練?
Yeah, they are so good at it. 對啊,牠們很厲害呢。

4) Chase away 趕走。
Look, the dog is chasing the birds away! 你看,狗狗把鳥都趕走了!
What a wonderful dog! 真棒的狗!

Please read the vocabulary with me.
steal 偷竊
problem 問題
train 訓練
chase away 趕走


  1. What kind of birds are talked about in the story?
    A: Parrots
    B: Seagulls
    C: Pigeons

  2. Where are these birds causing problems?
    A: Sydney Harbour
    B: Taipei 101
    C: The North Pole

  3. What are they using to scare the birds away?
    A: Loud music
    B: Big spiders
    C: Trained dogs


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C