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Balloon Will Take People High Above Earth

Balloon Will Take People High Above Earth

News For Kids

2023/04/07 | 00:05:04 | SoundOn #education

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Hey, students! Do you want to fly in a rocket? You can do that!

There is a new way to fly high. A Japanese company is making a balloon. The balloon can take people very high.

Some rockets go up to 400 kilometers. The balloon doesn't go up 400 kilometers. Space is 100 kilometers up, but the balloon doesn't go up 100 kilometers.

So… how high can the balloon fly? It can fly up to 22 kilometers. That's higher than jets fly. Twenty-two kilometers up… People can see the Earth!
它只能飛到 22 公里,但這樣已經比噴射機還要高,可以看到地球!

The balloon takes two hours to fly up 22 kilometers. It flies high for one hour. It takes one hour to come down.
這顆氣球上升到 22 公里的高度需要兩個小時。一小時之後,還要花一個鐘頭降落。

Two people can sit in the balloon. One person is the pilot. The other person is the passenger. The balloon ride is $175,000 US dollars, about 5 million NT dollars.

The first trip is in October. That's very soon!


  1. high 高的
    Have you ever flown in a hot air balloon? 你有坐過熱氣球嗎?
    No. How high do they go up? 沒有。 它可以飛多高?

  2. kilometer 公里
    Some can go up to a few kilometers. 有的可以飛到好幾公里高。
    Wow, that's pretty high! 哇,那很高呢!
    How many kilometers can a rocket go up? 火箭可以飛幾公里高呢?
    A rocket can fly much higher. 火箭就高得多了。

  3. Earth 地球
    Some rockets can go up to thousands of kilometers. 有的火箭可以飛到好幾千公里高。
    That's crazy! 好狂喔!

  4. trip 旅行
    It would be amazing to see the Earth from there. 從那裏看地球會很棒!
    Yeah, that'd be a real space trip. 對,那是真正的太空旅行。

high 高的
kilometer 公里
earth 地球
trip 旅行


  1. How high will the balloon fly?
    A: 22 kilometers
    B: 100 kilometers
    C: 400 kilometers

  2. How long will the balloon take to fly up?
    A: 1 hour
    B: 2 hours
    C: 4 hours

  3. Who can ride in the balloon?
    A: One pilot and two passengers
    B: Three passengers
    C: One pilot and one passenger


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C