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Croc Rescued from Tire

Croc Rescued from Tire

News For Kids

2022/03/21 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Have you ever put on a shirt and the collar was just way too tight? Eugh! My neck! It's pretty uncomfortable, isn't it? Now imagine wearing that shirt for six years!

Oh, man! That would really put you in a bad mood! Well, that's what happened to an unlucky crocodile! Well, it wasn't wearing a shirt, but its neck was trapped, for six years!

Nobody knows how it happened, but in Indonesia, people first noticed the crocodile with a tire around its neck back in 2016!

Why didn't anyone help the croc? Well, they tried, but it wasn't easy! You try to pull a tire off the neck of a four-and-a-half meter-long crocodile!

Finally, an animal expert called Tili, and his two friends set up traps for the croc and eventually caught it. They pulled the huge croc out of the river and used a saw to cut the tire off.

Afterwards they let the croc go back into the river. It must have been very happy to finally have the tire off its neck.

Well done Tili and friends, you are very kind, and brave too!


1) Neck 脖子。
I have a neck pain. 我脖子痛。
What happened? 怎麼了?
I guess I slept too long. 我猜我睡太久了。

2) Crocodile 鱷魚。
There's a crocodile in the pond! 池塘裡有鱷魚!
Did you really see it? 你真的看見了嗎?
I did. It's a crocodile! 看見了,是鱷魚!
Let's call 1999. 我們來打熱線1999。

3) River 河流。
Crocodiles should live in rivers. 鱷魚應該住在河裡。
They can live in the sea too. 牠們也可以住在海中。
They are called saltwater crocs. 牠們叫做鹹水鱷魚。

4) Catch 抓住。
Can we catch the one in the pond? 我們可不可以抓住那隻在池塘裡的鱷魚?
Yeah, we can catch it with a net. 我們可以用網子抓住牠。

Let's read these interesting words together!
neck 脖子
crocodile 鱷魚
river 河流
catch 抓住


  1. What kind of animal had a problem?
    A: An alligator
    B: A chicken
    C: A crocodile

  2. What was the animal's problem?
    A: Its foot was stuck in the mud
    B: Its neck was stuck in a tire
    C: It couldn't find its mom

  3. How long did the problem last?
    A: Six weeks
    B: Six years
    C: Nine days


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B