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Weird Building Keeps On Growing

Weird Building Keeps On Growing

News For Kids

2022/12/14 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

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Phew! I made it! I live on the fifth floor, and there's no elevator! I have to walk up the stairs every day!

But at least my building is not very tall, and it's not getting any taller!

Did you know there's a building in Taoyuan that's been slowly growing taller for 33 years?!

Some call it "Taiwan's Weird Building". Locals say they've been watching it grow since they were kids.

It has crazy stairs and big tall towers … One man said it looked so spooky, he thought it was haunted!

Some people on the internet have started calling it "Howl's Moving Castle". They say it looks really crazy, like it could just stand up and walk away!

The owner saved his money. And, when he was 35, he finally had enough to begin building his "dream castle in the sky", like he always wanted.
35 歲的時候,他終於存到足夠的錢讓房子開工!

33 years later, he's still building! Every year he adds something new, and every year it gets taller and taller!
33 年過去,房子還在蓋!每一年他都在上面蓋新的東西,越蓋越高!

Right now it's 9 floors high, but it could one day become 19 floors, or 90 floors! Who knows if it will ever be finished!

Taiwan's Weird Building, the castle that keeps on growing!


  1. castle 城堡
    I enjoy visiting castles when travelling in Europe. 我在歐洲旅行時喜歡拜訪城堡。
    They have high towers and many stairs. 它們有高塔,還有很多樓梯。

  2. haunted 鬧鬼的
    And many of them are haunted. 很多還鬧鬼呢。
    Exactly! I like that spooky feeling. 沒錯,我就喜歡那種詭異的感覺。
    You are weird, you know. 你很奇怪耶,你知道嗎。

  3. crazy 瘋狂的
    Yeah, sometimes I feel I'm crazy. 我有時候也覺得我瘋了。
    You are not crazy. 你不是瘋。
    You just need a friend like me. 你只是需要我這種朋友。
    A friend that calls me weird. 一個說我很奇怪的朋友。

castle 城堡
haunted 鬧鬼的
crazy 瘋狂的


  1. Where is Taiwan's "Weird Building"?
    A: Tainan
    B: Taoyuan
    C: Taipei

  2. How old was the owner when he began building?
    A: 33
    B: 34
    C: 35

  3. Right now, how tall is the building?
    A: 19 floors
    B: 90 floors
    C: 9 floors


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C