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Humpback Whales Share Songs

Humpback Whales Share Songs

News For Kids

2022/10/06 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Wow! I love this new song. I've got to tell my friends about it. I'm sure they'll love it too!

My friends and I like to share new songs with each other. If I hear a song I like, I always let my friends know about it.

And, did you know, humpback whales do the same thing!

Scientists found that if one humpback whale starts singing a new song, and other humpback whales like it, the whales will sing it to their friends.

They found two humpback whales, who were very far away from each other, singing the same song! They were super far away, more than 10,000 kilometers away!

There's no way the whale's song could be heard under the water so far away, so the scientists did more work and found that humpback whales pass on new songs to each other.

And pretty soon, whales all over the ocean learn the new song and start singing it.

That's so cool! Maybe I can make a popular humpback whale song. Let me try… okay… maybe not!


  1. sing 唱
    Listen! The birds are singing to each other. 你聽,鳥兒在互相唱和!
    Is that how they talk? 牠們是在交談嗎?
    Yeah, that's how they share ideas. 對,那是牠們交換意見的辦法。

  2. song 歌曲
    Their songs are really beautiful! 牠們的歌真好聽!
    Indeed. It's the song of autumn. 沒錯,那是秋天的歌聲。

  3. share 分享
    Are you hungry? You can share my sandwich. 你肚子餓嗎?可以分享我的三明治。
    Oh no, I can't do that. It's such a small sandwich. 我不能,你的三明治好小一個。

  4. friend 朋友
    Hey, you're my friend. 你是我的朋友。
    Friends share food. 朋友一起分享食物。
    Okay, then I want the bigger half. 好,那我要大的那一半。

sing 唱
song 歌曲
share 分享
friend 朋友


  1. What kind of whale is this story about?
    A: Happyback whales
    B: Monkeyback whales
    C: Humpback whales

  2. What do whales do when they like a new song?
    A: They dance to it
    B: They stay really quiet
    C: They share it with their friends

  3. How far away can new whale songs spread?
    A: More than 10,000 kilometers
    B: More than 5 centimeters
    C: To the moon and back


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A