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A Supercontinent is Coming

A Supercontinent is Coming

News For Kids

2022/11/03 | 00:05:08 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


There are seven continents in the world.

Do you remember their names?

Hmmm… let me see… Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America, South America…

Oh! And the super cold one where penguins live is Antarctica!
有亞洲、非洲、大洋洲、歐洲、北美洲、南美洲… 還有… 有企鵝那個超冷的南極洲!

And, did you know the seven continents used to be one super big continent?

Do you have a map of the world?

Go and take a look at Africa and South America.

They almost look like puzzle pieces, they fit together!
你看看地圖,非洲跟南美洲正好可以拼在一起, 就像個拼圖一樣!

Millions of years ago, when the world was full of huge dinosaurs, there was only one super big continent!

Very, very slowly, the continents moved away from each other.

But now, they are moving back together!

One day, all the continents will be one super big continent again!

When will that happen?

Well, don't worry about it, because it will take maybe 100 million years!

100 million years is a long time for you and me, but it's not a long time for the earth.

Who knows?


  1. penguin 企鵝
    Let's go to Taipei Zoo this Sunday. 我們這星期天去台北動物園吧。
    To see pandas? 去看大熊貓?
    No, to see penguins. 不是,去看企鵝。
    What's so special about penguins? 企鵝有什麼特別嗎?
    They're super cute! 牠們超級可愛啊!

  2. Antarctica 南極洲
    Some penguins come from a very far-away place. 牠們有些來自很遙遠的地方。
    I know, from Antarctica. 我知道,來自南極洲。

  3. continent 洲
    That's a very cold country. 那是個好冷的國家。
    Yes, but it's a continent, not a country. 對,不過那是一個洲,不是國家。

  4. million 百萬
    There are millions of penguins in Antarctica. 南極洲有幾百萬隻企鵝
    Millions? That's a lot! 幾百萬隻? 好多喔!

penguin 企鵝
Antarctica 南極洲
continent 洲
million 百萬


  1. How many continents are there today?
    A: 17
    B: 77
    C: 7

  2. What are the continents doing now?
    A: Moving closer together
    B: Moving away from each other
    C: Moving to Mars

  3. When will the world be one supercontinent again?
    A: Next year
    B: In maybe 100 million years
    C: In about 25 years


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B