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Worker Finds Mammoth In The Ground

Worker Finds Mammoth In The Ground

News For Kids

2022/10/27 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Have you ever found something in the ground? Maybe you have found some cool rocks, or some coins. What if you found an animal from thousands of years ago?

That's what happened in Canada. A worker was digging a hole in the ground. He was looking for gold. Instead, he found some kind of animal! In fact, it was a baby mammoth.

A mammoth is like an elephant, with lots and lots of fur. They lived in really cold places, so they needed lots of fur to help them keep warm, like they were wearing a big sweater!

The worker saw that this animal still had fur. Later, he found it had lived thirty thousand years ago.
Scientists came to study this animal. It is very interesting, because there are no mammoths alive today. The scientists found the mammoth was a baby girl.

Now the worker is digging for gold again, but he will always remember the mammoth he found.

He thinks one day he may even find the baby mammoth's momma.


  1. gold 黃金
    Would you like to visit the Gold Museum this weekend? 這周末想不想去黃金博物館?
    Gold? I love gold! 黃金?我愛黃金!
    I know you do. 我知道你愛。

  2. find 找到
    You will find lots of shining gold there. 你會在那裏找到好多亮晶晶的黃金。
    Really? Is it in the ground? 真的嗎? 它在地底下嗎?
    No, it's right on a table. 不,就在桌子上。

  3. dig 挖掘
    People in Jinguashi used to dig for gold. 以前金瓜石的人會挖黃金。
    Can I dig for it now? 我現在可以去挖嗎?
    No, you're too late. 不行了,你太遲了。

  4. coin 硬幣
    My mother had a set of gold coins. 我媽媽以前有一套金幣。
    Did she give them to you? 她有給你嗎?
    No, she sold them a long time ago. 沒有,她好久以前就把它賣掉了。

gold 黃金
find 找到
dig 挖掘
coin 硬幣


  1. What did the worker find?
    A: A cow
    B: A mammoth
    C: A dinosaur

  2. How old was the animal?
    A: Ten thousand years old
    B: Thirty thousand years old
    C: A million years old

  3. What did scientists learn about the animal?
    A: It was a baby girl
    B: It was a momma
    C: It was a teenager

1. B
2. B
3. A