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Christmas Shopping is Good For You

Christmas Shopping is Good For You

News For Kids

2022/12/19 | 00:05:11 | SoundOn #education

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Christmas is almost here! For many people, it is the best time of year. It's a bit like Chinese New Year in Taiwan. Christmas in Western countries is a time to visit with your family and friends.

You also get to eat tasty food - like roast turkey, and lots of great desserts!

And, of course, there are presents! Everyone loves getting presents, right? It makes you feel good.

Do you know what else makes people feel good? Buying presents for other people.

Experts have done some research, and found that buying Christmas presents is really good for your health. That's because it makes you feel happy.

You feel happy when you get a good deal. When you get a good deal, you feel like you've won something. I love winning!

When people feel happier, they are healthier.

Shopping for Christmas presents helps people in other ways, too. It can make them forget about their problems. And seeing someone enjoying your gift feels great!

Some experts say that going Christmas shopping is like taking a vacation!

So, if you want to feel good, and be healthy, go Christmas shopping. I think I'd better go now, too. I still have to buy some Christmas presents for people! Yay!


  1. gift 禮物
    What gifts are you planning to give your daughter? 你打算送妳女兒什麼禮物?
    For Christmas? 為了耶誕節嗎?
    She's 12, so maybe a pair of sunglasses. 她十二歲了,所以也許送她一副太陽眼鏡。
    That's cool. 很酷。

  2. happy 高興的
    How about you? 你呢?
    Hmmm, I'll just give my son a simple set of tools. 我就給我兒子一套簡單的工具。
    Oh, he will be very happy about that! 他會很開心的。

  3. family 家人
    Isn't it great to buy gifts for family? 給家人買禮物很棒吧?
    It's great, but it also takes a lot of time. 是很棒,不過也很花時間。

  4. deal 交易
    There are a lot of good deals online. 網站上有很多好東西。
    I know. But they often sell out fast. 我知道,不過它們經常很快賣完。

gift 禮物
happy 高興的
family 家人
deal 交易


  1. What "tasty food" can you eat at Christmas?
    A: Oolong tea
    B: Beef jerky
    C: Roast turkey

  2. Why is Christmas shopping good for your health?
    A: It makes you happy
    B: It gets you friends
    C: It gives you exercise

  3. What is a "good deal"?
    A: A great present
    B: A healthy feeling
    C: A low price


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C