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River Turns On and Off

River Turns On and Off

News For Kids

2021/10/06 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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In English, we say "turn on" and "turn off" for many things… like the TV, or the lights! We don't "open" the lights or "close" the TV, we 'turn on' the TV or 'turn off' the lights.

There is a small river in America that is very strange. For a few months every year the river starts for 15 minutes and then the water stops for 15 minutes. 美國有一條小河很奇怪。每一年有幾個月的時間它會流動15分鐘,接著停止15分鐘。

It's almost like someone 'turns on' and 'turns off' the river! 好像有人打開或是關掉這條河。

But people don't do it, it just happens! 它會打開或是關掉,但並不是人類控制的。

Scientists think that a big bubble of air stops the water from coming up from underground.

The air underground makes a bubble. Then, the big bubble of air stops the water, making the river 'start' and 'stop'. 科學家認為是從地底下冒出來的巨大空氣泡泡擋住了河流,就好像關掉一樣,接著又開始流動。

There are very few rivers like this around the world. 這樣子的河流在全世界非常地少見。

It's very strange, yeah? But also very interesting. A river that turns on and off!



  1. Turn on 打開。
    It's so hot! Let me turn on the air conditioner. 好熱,我來打開冷氣機。
    Remember to turn it off before you go to bed. 你睡覺之前要記得把它關掉。

  2. Turn off 關上。
    Did you turn off the fan last night? 你昨晚有關掉電扇嗎?
    I didn't turn it on. 我沒有打開它。
    But I did turn off the air conditioner. 但是我有關掉冷氣機。

  3. Underground 地下。
    Spring water is rising up from underground. 泉水從地下冒出來。
    No wonder plants here are so green. 難怪這裡的植物都很綠。

  4. Start 開始。
    Come quick, Ryan! The game starts in 2 minutes! 趕快來,萊恩,比賽再兩分鐘就開始了!
    Why do they start so early? 他們怎麼這麼早開始?
    I have no idea.不知道呢。

turn on 打開
turn off 關掉
underground 地下
start 開始


  1. What is strange about one river in America?
    A: The water turns on for 15 minutes, then turns off
    B: The water is purple and sweet
    C: The water makes a funny sound

  2. Why does the river turn on and turn off?
    A: A big bubble of air stops the water
    B: A person turns it on and off
    C: Elephants drink all the water

  3. How long does the river 'turn off' each time?
    A: 15 minutes
    B: 30 minutes
    C: One hour


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A