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Greenpeace Finds Plastics in Animal Poop

Greenpeace Finds Plastics in Animal Poop

News For Kids

2022/09/15 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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Nature is so beautiful. I love hiking through the mountains of Taiwan.

Ew! But it is not nice when I see garbage in nature.

According to Greenpeace, who are a very large environmental organization, all this plastic is ending up inside animals' bodies!

Greenpeace knows this because they are finding microplastics in animal poop!

Microplastics are very, very, very tiny pieces of plastic. When experts from Greenpeace studied some wild animals in Taiwan, they found a lot of microplastics in their poop!

This means animals are eating the plastic, or they are eating other animals that ate the plastic.

This is not healthy for the animals. Plastic in their bodies can cause all sorts of health problems. It can even kill them!

So we really need to stop throwing plastic garbage into the environment. And everyone can help cut down on plastic.

Just remember to use as little plastic as possible, reuse as much as you can, and of course, recycle!


  1. eat 吃
    Don't eat so much ice cream, Jane. 別吃那麼多冰淇淋。
    But I only eat two ice creams a day! 但是我一天只吃兩個!

  2. body 身體
    Look, when ice cream goes into your body… 聽著,當冰淇淋進入體內之後…
    It becomes sugar and fat, I know. 它就變成了糖分跟脂肪,我知道。
    Too much sugar is not good for your body. 太多糖對妳身體不好。

  3. find 發現,找到
    Did you find your glasses? 你找到眼鏡了嗎?
    Yeah, I did. 找到了。
    Where did you find them? 哪裡找到的?
    On my head. 在我頭上。

  4. very 非常。
    Hang the glasses on your neck.把眼鏡掛在脖子上。
    They'll be very easy to find. 要找到它就容易了。
    That's very smart of you. 你真聰明!

eat 吃
body 身體
find 發現,找到
very 非常


  1. What is Greenpeace?
    A: A very large environmental organization
    B: A very large park
    C: A very green piece of space

  2. What are microplastics?
    A: Very large pieces of plastic
    B: Very tiny pieces of plastic
    C: Brand new pieces of plastic

  3. Where did Greenpeace find microplastics?
    A: Inside trees
    B: Inside birds' nests
    C: In animal poop


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C