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Wash Your Eggs Before You Eat Them

Wash Your Eggs Before You Eat Them

News For Kids

2021/09/10 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I love eggs. I love eggs no matter how they are cooked. I like eggs fried, scrambled, hard boiled, and soft boiled. 我喜歡吃雞蛋,不論怎樣的做法都喜歡。Do you like eggs as much as I do?

I eat a lot of eggs, that's why I make sure I prepare them correctly. Because if you don't prepare eggs correctly, you can get very sick. 蛋沒有好好保存或是煮熟的話,吃了會生病。

You should wash eggs only right before you cook them. 雞蛋應該在煮之前清洗喔! Don't wash eggs before you put them in the refrigerator! 放在冰箱前不要先洗。Only before you are about to cook them.

This is because eggs have a natural protection on their shells. If you wash them too early, you wash the protection away, and germs can get into the egg. 太早洗乾淨,細菌反而會跑進去。

But if you wash eggs right before you cook them, germs don't have time to get into the egg. This means you won't accidentally get sick.

Some people like raw eggs, but experts say that is probably not a good idea. 最好不要吃生的雞蛋,怕有細菌。 And you should always make sure eggs are completely cooked before you eat them.

Oh well, at least I can still eat scrambled eggs! Yum!



  1. Cook 做飯。
    Cooking is difficult for me. 對我來說做飯菜很難。
    Really? Even cooking eggs or noodles? 真的喔? 即使煮蛋煮麵也是嗎?
    Yes. It takes a lot of time. 對啊,很花時間。

  2. Boil 水煮。
    Maybe you can just boil some eggs. 也許你可以就煮幾個蛋。
    It's easy. 那很容易的。
    But I hate boiled eggs. 但是我討厭水煮蛋。

  3. Sick 生病的。
    You will get sick if you keep eating so little. 你總是吃這麼少會生病的。
    You know what? I never get sick. 你知道嗎?我從來不生病。

  4. Wash 清洗。
    My hands are itchy. 我的手好癢。
    You've washed your hands too many times. 你洗手太多次了。

These are useful words to learn.
cook 做飯
boil 水煮
sick 生病的
wash 清洗


  1. What kind of food is being talked about in this story?
    a. Rice
    b. Eggs
    c. Vegetables

  2. What should you do to eggs before you put them in the refrigerator?
    a. Wipe them with a dry cloth
    b. Wipe them with a damp cloth
    c. Cook them

  3. When should you wash eggs?
    a. Before you cook them
    b. Before you put them in the refrigerator
    c. After you eat them


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A