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Meet the BusTrain

Meet the BusTrain

News For Kids

2022/03/02 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Is that a bus? Um… yes… But it's also a train! It's a bus and a train… it's a BusTrain!

A bus and a train… no way… that's crazy!

Some places in Japan, like Tokyo, are super busy, and many, many people live there.

But very few people live in some places in the countryside of Japan… some towns only have around 100 people… but they need a way to travel.

That's why the bus-train is a good idea.

It has 4 wheels with tires… like a bus, but when it drives on the railway tracks… 2 metal wheels come down… these two metal wheels are train wheels… so the bus can turn into a train!

These new bus-trains can pick people up in very small towns, drive to a railway, and then go into a big city as a train.

It's a pretty cool idea, yeah? Driving in a bus all the way from the countryside to the big city would take too long, but building a train line to a very small town is too expensive.

The answer is the bus-train… a vehicle that can be a bus or a train!

What an interesting idea!


  1. Railway 鐵軌。
    Trains travel on railways, while cars travel on roads. 火車在軌道上走,汽車在路上走。
    Yes, and trains run on wheels, but cars run on tires. 而火車用輪子跑,但是汽車用輪胎。

  2. Wheel 輪子。
    Who invented wheels? 誰發明輪子的?
    That I don't know. 這我不知道。
    But I know wheels appeared 2 thousand years ago. 但我知道輪子兩千年前出現。

  3. Countryside 鄉下地方。
    I enjoy living in the countryside. 我喜歡住在鄉下。
    Not me. 我可不。

  4. City 城市。
    I prefer living in the city. 我比較愛住在城市。
    There are movies to watch and stores to go to. 有電影可看,商店可以去。

Do you live in the countryside or city? 一起來讀單字。
railway 鐵路
wheel 輪子
countryside 鄉下地方
city 城市


  1. Where can you find a bus-train?
    A: In America
    B: In Japan
    C: In India

  2. Why did they make the bus-train?
    A: To help people in the countryside
    B: To help people living in Tokyo
    C: To help animals get into town faster

  3. How many wheels does a bus-train have?
    A: 11 wheels and 5 wings
    B: 4 bus wheels, and 4 train wheels
    C: None! The bus-train doesn't need wheels!

1: B
2: A
3: B