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California Says No to Gas Cars

California Says No to Gas Cars

News For Kids

2022/09/22 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

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Today is World Car Free Day! It's a time when some people stop driving their cars for a whole day.

Cars make a lot of pollution. There are lots of other ways to stop cars from making so much pollution. Like in California… they want to stop selling gas cars by 2035.

California won't stop selling all cars. They will just stop selling cars that use gas, which make lots of pollution. They will still sell cars that use electricity, of course.

Other states in America also want to ban the sale of gas cars. This means the air in these places will be cleaner.

And now, Taiwan says it wants to ban the sale of gas cars too! Wow! That's great. Taiwan won't stop selling them as soon as California, though. Taiwan plans to stop selling gas cars by 2040. That's five years later than California.

Try walking home today, or taking the MRT! Have a happy and healthy World Car Free Day everybody!


  1. sell 賣
    Do they sell electric bikes here? 他們這裡有賣電動腳踏車嗎?
    I think so. 我想有吧。
    They're also selling cute little bikes for children. 他們也賣小孩用的可愛小腳踏車。

  2. stop 停止
    People really should stop driving gas cars. 大家真的應該停止駕駛用汽油的車。
    I'm driving a scooter. 我是用摩托車。
    An electric one? 是電動的嗎?
    Oh, yes. 是的。

  3. drive 駕駛
    Do you enjoy driving? 你喜歡開車嗎?
    I do. 喜歡。
    I feel free when driving. 我開車的時候覺得很自由。

  4. ban 禁止
    In Saudi Arabia, they ban women from driving. 沙烏地阿拉伯禁止女性開車。
    Not anymore. 現在不會了。
    The ban is over. 禁令結束了。

sell 賣
stop 停止
drive 駕駛
ban 禁止


  1. What happens on World Car Free Day?
    A: Some people stop selling cars
    B: Some people stop buying cars
    C: Some people stop driving cars

  2. Where do they want to stop selling gas cars?
    A: California
    B: France
    C: India

  3. When do they want to stop selling gas cars?
    A: By next August
    B: By 2035
    C: By 2040


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B