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The World's Longest Train

The World's Longest Train

News For Kids

2022/12/22 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! Do you guys know much about Switzerland? People in Switzerland make things really well, like Swiss watches. Swiss watches are really good.

Switzerland also makes good trains. Switzerland made the longest train in the world. That train is two kilometers long.

Why did Switzerland make such a long train?

To carry a lot of elephants? No. To carry the world's longest snake? No.

They did it to celebrate a special anniversary. It was the 175th anniversary of Switzerland's first railway. So, Switzerland built the world's longest train.
他們想要慶祝瑞士第一條鐵路 175 周年紀念日!

I should say something else about Switzerland. It has a lot of mountains. That made the trip in the long train dangerous. That's because the train had to make a lot of turns. It also had to go through 22 tunnels and almost 50 bridges.

It wasn't easy for the seven drivers of the train. That's right - the train was so long it needed seven drivers!

The trip was a little dangerous because the train was so long. But nothing bad happened. That's great, because there were 3,000 people on the train. Wow… 3,000! That's a lot of passengers!


  1. celebrate 慶祝
    We're having a hotpot? 我們吃火鍋喔?
    Great! What are we celebrating?真棒,是慶祝什麼呢?
    My longest time playing Super Mario Party. 我玩超級馬利歐派對最久的時間。

  2. mountain 山
    How long did you play? 你玩了多久?
    Twelve hours, I think. 我想十二個鐘頭吧。
    That's crazy! 真瘋狂!
    I know. And I have to go mountain climbing in Hualien tomorrow. 我知道。而且我明天還得去花蓮爬山。

  3. tunnel 隧道
    You'll be taking the train, right? 你要搭火車,對吧?
    Yeah. 對。
    Then you can get all the sleep you need. 那你可以睡個夠。
    The train will go through lots of tunnels. 火車會穿過很多個隧道。

  4. long 長的
    I love those long tunnels. 我很喜歡那些長長的隧道。
    Really? I don't. 真的喔?我可不喜歡。

celebrate 慶祝
mountain 山
tunnel 隧道
long 長的


  1. Why did Switzerland make a long train?
    A: To carry many animals
    B: To sell more train tickets
    C: To celebrate an anniversary

  2. Why was the trip in the train dangerous?
    A: They went through mountains
    B: There was a long snake
    C: There were a lot of elephants

  3. How many people were on the train?
    A: 1,000
    B: 2,000
    C: 3,000


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C