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How Cockroaches Survived the Asteroid that Killed Dinosaurs

How Cockroaches Survived the Asteroid that Killed Dinosaurs

News For Kids

2022/05/18 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Ahhh! Cockroach!!

I hate cockroaches! But they're so hard to kill! I have tried every kind of bug spray, but they keep coming back!

That's because cockroaches are very good survivors.

Dinosaurs lived on Earth 66 million years ago, but they all died when a giant asteroid crashed into our planet.

Well, guess who survived that crash? That's right, cockroaches!

Cockroaches are very good at staying alive. If you look closely at a cockroach, you can see their bodies are very flat. This means they can squeeze into smaller, tighter places.

This helps cockroaches hide almost everywhere, and protects them from things like asteroids… and my slippers!

Cockroaches are also able to eat many different things. This includes plants, animal parts, even cardboard, clothing, and poop!

Ewww! That's gross, but it helps them stay alive.

And this is how cockroaches are such great survivors, and it is how they lived even when all the dinosaurs died.

Oh no, I see a cockroach now!


  1. million 百萬
    There are millions of ants in the world. 世界上有好幾百萬隻螞蟻。
    I believe it's more than that. 我相信比好幾百萬多。

  2. alive 活著
    How do ants stay alive? 螞蟻如何維持生存?
    By eating my bread? 靠吃我的麵包嗎?
    No, they stay alive by eating almost everything. 不是,牠們幾乎什麼都吃來保持活著。

  3. hide 躲藏
    A fat cockroach is hiding in my coffee maker! 一隻胖蟑螂躲在我的咖啡壺裡!
    Why is it hiding there?! 牠為什麼要躲那裏?!
    Maybe it's a coffee drinker? 也許牠習慣喝咖啡?

  4. protect 保護
    Protect your head during an earthquake. 地震時要保護你的頭。
    Just my head? 只有頭嗎?
    Okay, protect your neck too. 好吧,也要保護脖子。

million 百萬
alive 活著
hide 躲藏
protect 保護


  1. What killed the dinosaurs on Earth?
    A: Aliens
    B: An asteroid
    C: Cockroaches

  2. Why can cockroaches hide in small spaces?
    A: They are very flat
    B: They are very fat
    C: They are very shy

  3. Why are cockroaches good survivors?
    A: They will eat anything
    B: They can see the future and avoid problems
    C: They are stronger than dinosaurs


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A