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Taiwan's Best Ever Olympics

Taiwan's Best Ever Olympics

News For Kids

2021/09/02 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

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Hey! Did any of you watch the Olympics this summer? 你們有沒有看奧運?

The Olympics has many different events and many of the world's most amazing athletes go to compete for medals. 世界上最強的運動員,都想參加奧運比賽,爭取獎牌。

People that win events get gold medals. People that come second get silver medals. And people that come third get bronze medals. 第一名會得到金牌, 第二名銀牌, 第三名銅牌。

Winning an Olympic medal must be an amazing feeling.

And guess what? This summer's Olympics was the best ever for athletes from Taiwan! 本屆奧運,是台灣得到最多獎牌的一次!

They won two gold medals, four silver medals and six bronze medals. 我們榮獲兩面金牌, 四面銀牌, 還有六面銅牌!

They won medals in 贏得獎牌的項目有 taekwondo 跆拳道 and karate 空手道, gymnastics 體操, and table tennis 桌球, judo 柔道 and boxing 拳擊, weightlifting 舉重, and badminton 羽球, and in archery 射箭, and golf 高爾夫球!

Well done to everyone involved in the Olympics! I already can't wait until the next Olympics in Paris in 2024! 我已經等不及想看2024年巴黎奧運了!



  1. Gold 黃金,金色的。
    I want to win a gold medal at the Olympics! 我想要在奧運贏得一面金牌!
    Sounds great! In what sporting event? 聽起來很棒喔! 在哪個運動項目呢?
    Boxing. 拳擊。

  2. Silver 白銀,銀色的。
    Isn't Dai Ziying great? 戴資穎很棒吧?
    Yeah, she won a silver medal, didn't she? 她獲得銀牌,不是嗎?

  3. Win 贏得。
    I win, I win…This is my second win! 我贏了,我贏了。
    Okay, Ryan, you're just lucky! 好啦,萊恩,你只是運氣好。

  4. Olympics 奧運。
    Did you know that the Olympics are very old? 你知道奧運很古老嗎?
    The ancient Olympics began 2,800 years ago! 古時候的奧運是兩千八百年前開始的。


gold 黃金
silver 白銀
win 贏得
Olympics 奧運


  1. What medal do you get for finishing second in an Olympic event?
    A. A gold medal
    B. A silver medal
    C. A bronze medal

  2. In which of these events did an athlete from Taiwan win a medal?
    A. Swimming
    B. Badminton
    C. Cycling

  3. Where will the next Olympics be held?
    A. Paris
    B. New York
    C. Sydney

1: B
2: B
3: A