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Dogs Can Smell Stress

Dogs Can Smell Stress

News For Kids

2022/11/15 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

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Today, I want to talk about dogs. Dogs can smell really well. They can smell at least 10,000 times better than people! 狗狗的嗅覺比人類好一千倍!

Dogs can smell lots of things that humans can't. There are dogs at airports. They use their noses to smell things that people shouldn't be carrying onto airplanes, which helps to keep everyone safe.

There is a new study by a university in the UK. It says dogs can also smell when people feel stress.

In the study, there were 36 people and four dogs. The people did a stressful activity. These people had to count backwards. They had to count backwards from 9,000. Wow, that's hard!

The dogs smelled the people's breath and sweat before the people counted backwards. Then they also smelled the people's breath after they had counted, so the scientists could test the dog's noses.

And guess what? The dogs could smell the stress! They knew from their breath and sweat who was stressed and who was not!

Wow! Dogs are really great!


  1. smell 聞
    Hey, your dog can smell the dumplings in my bag! 你的狗狗可以聞到我袋子裡的包子。
    Of course he can. 當然可以。
    He can smell everything in your bag. 他可以聞到你袋子裡所有東西。

  2. nose 鼻子
    I wish human noses were that good. 我希望人類的鼻子也那麼棒。
    I think my nose is good enough. 我覺得我的鼻子夠好了。

  3. stress 壓力
    I'm so stressed out! 我壓力好大!
    My boss wants to read my report tomorrow. 我的老闆明天就要看我的報告。
    That really sounds stressful. 聽起來真的很有壓力。

  4. at least 至少
    I've written 3 pages. 我寫了三頁了。
    How many pages do you need? 你需要幾頁?
    At least 30. 至少三十頁。
    Oh no! 糟糕了!

smell 聞
nose 鼻子
stress 壓力
at least 至少


  1. What did the dogs smell in the test?
    A: People's blood
    B: People's sweat
    C: People's feet

  2. How did the people become stressed?
    A: They counted backwards
    B: They ran very fast
    C: They got bitten by a dog

  3. What did the experiment show?
    A: Dogs feel stress like people do
    B: Dogs like people who don't feel stress
    C: Dogs can smell stress


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C