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Hot Dogs Shorten Healthy Lifespan

Hot Dogs Shorten Healthy Lifespan

News For Kids

2021/11/18 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

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Gosh, I love eating hot dogs. They taste so good! And you can add lots of toppings to make them even better!

Some people like to keep it simple with ketchup and mustard. Other people like to add chili or onions or pickles.

No matter what you add, it's all delicious!

What was that? What did you say? Hot dogs are bad for you?

Who told you that?

A university study? Let me see that!

Hmm… okay, according to this report, hot dogs ARE bad for you! It says here that each hot dog you eat takes away 36 minutes of healthy life!

It doesn't mean you'll die faster if you eat hotdogs, but you'll have less healthy time.

Wow. If that's true… how many hot dogs have I eaten?

Uh oh… Maybe that's enough hot dogs for now. I think I'll go have a salad instead!

Wait! Let me see that study again! It says here that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich adds 33 minutes of healthy life!
等等!這個研究也說,一個花生醬加果醬的三明治, 可以增加33分鐘的健康壽命!
I'll eat those more often!


  1. Delicious 美味的。
    This hamburger is delicious! 這個漢堡真好吃!
    You should try the sushi. 你應該嚐一嚐壽司。 It's even more delicious! 它更好吃。

  2. Taste 品嚐。
    You're right! This sushi tastes really good! 你說對了,這個壽司吃起來真不錯!
    Wait until you taste the sandwich I made. 等一下你嚐嚐我做的三明治。

  3. Better 更好的。
    Is peanut butter better than hog dogs? 花生醬比熱狗好嗎?
    I believe so. 我相信是的。
    Many snacks are better than hot dogs. 很多種點心都比熱狗好。

  4. Healthy 健康的。
    Hot dogs are not healthy because they're too salty. 熱狗不健康,因為它太鹹。
    What's healthy and delicious? 有什麼東西健康又美味?
    Sweet potatoes. 地瓜。
    I love sweet potatoes! 我喜歡地瓜!

So let's eat healthy foods.
delicious 美味的
taste 品嚐
better 更好的
healthy 健康的


  1. What food item is this story talking about?
    A: Hotdogs
    B: Hamburgers
    C: Ice cream

  2. How are hotdogs bad for you?
    A: They shorten your healthy lifespan
    B: They cost too much
    C: They are food for real dogs

  3. What is a healthier alternative to hot dogs?
    A: Pizza
    B: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
    C: Beef noodle soup


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B