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Bear Keeps Lost Boy Safe

Bear Keeps Lost Boy Safe

News For Kids

2022/04/14 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Have you ever gotten lost? Have you ever been in a place where you did not know how to get home?

Well, let me tell you, it is a very scary feeling. It is even scarier if you're all alone.

This is what happened to a three-year-old boy named Casey in the United States. He was playing outside his grandmother's house, when he went a little bit too far into the woods.

And he was lost for two whole days! That's a long time to be away from home. Casey's family was very worried about him.

Thankfully, somebody was there to protect Casey … a wild bear!

Casey met a wild bear while he was lost. Bears are usually very dangerous, and people should not go near wild bears if they see them.

But this bear kept Casey warm and safe until people found him.

The bear did not hurt Casey. And even though Casey was very cold and very hungry, he was healthy when he returned home.

I'm glad for Casey, but remember, even though his story turned out okay, you still shouldn't try to make friends with wild bears!


  1. Lost 迷路
    I think we're lost. 我覺得我們迷路了。
    No, we're not lost. I know exactly where we are. 沒有迷路。我完全知道我們在哪裡。
    Okay, so turn right or left? 好吧,那右轉還是左轉?
    Uh…I'm not sure. 我不確定。

  2. Bear 熊
    I heard there are bears here. 我聽說這裡有熊。
    I'm so scared! 我怕死了!
    Don't be scared. I know how to handle bears. 別怕,我知道怎麼對付熊。

  3. Dangerous 危險的
    Bears are dangerous animals! 熊是危險動物!
    They are not dangerous if we stay away from them. 只要我們保持距離就不危險。

  4. Return 回到
    I want to return to camp. 我要回露營區。
    There's no way to return now. 現在回不去了。

These are fun words to remember.
lost 迷路
bear 熊
dangerous 危險的
return 回到


  1. What is the name of the boy who got lost?
    a. Casey
    b. Cady
    c. Candy

  2. What kind of animal protected him while he was lost?
    a. A bear
    b. A deer
    c. A gorilla

  3. How long was he lost for?
    a. 2 hours
    b. 2 days
    c. 2 weeks


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B