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Pop Cat Game

Pop Cat Game

News For Kids

2021/09/17 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Ha! Pop Cat is a funny game! It's silly… but also funny.

I think the Pop Cat game is funny because it's so silly. 這個遊戲傻呼呼的,很搞笑。

You press your finger on the phone and the cat opens its mouth and says "POP"… that's it! 你按一下你的手機,這隻貓就張嘴叫一聲[帕],就只這樣。

It's super simple. People all around the world are playing it. People in Thailand and Finland and all over the world are playing the Pop Cat game. 泰國芬蘭甚至全世界都在玩這個遊戲。

Every country tries to be number one… by pressing the button and making a cat say "pop" more times than everybody else. 世界各地的玩家拼命的按,大家都等著看哪一國讓貓咪叫最多次。

Some people say we should not waste time on silly games. Some people say… "Hey! Go read a book… or go outside and play… don't waste your time on an internet game that makes a cat say "pop!" 有人覺得這種遊戲浪費時間,讓一隻貓叫[帕],這有什麼意義?

Hmm… maybe they are right. It is a waste of time. But it's also fun. Maybe it's OK if we don't do it too much.

Silly games can be fun… but we shouldn't waste too much time on computer games, right?


Pop Cat遊戲最近風靡全球,你可有玩過?

  1. Waste 浪費。
    Ryan, are you wasting time again on computer games? 萊恩,你又在浪費時間打電動嗎?
    I've wasted some money, but not time. 我浪費了一些錢,沒有浪費時間。

  2. Time 時間。
    Time is more important than money. 時間比金錢重要。
    Well, I have all the time in the world. 我有大把的時間。

  3. Silly 傻傻的。
    These games seem so silly! 這些遊戲似乎都很笨!
    No, they're not silly. 不會,它們不笨。
    They're fun and good for young children. 它們很好玩,也很適合小小孩。

  4. Number one 第一。
    I want to be number one in tomorrow's race. 明天的比賽我想跑第一。
    Have you practiced? 你有練習嗎?
    No. 沒有。
    Well, good luck. 那祝你好運!

waste 浪費
time 時間
silly 傻傻的
number one 第一


  1. What is the Pop Cat game?
    A: A game to try to catch cats in the park
    B: An internet game
    C: A game you can play with your cat

  2. What countries does the story talk about?
    A: Thailand and Finland
    B: Korea and America
    C: Japan and South Africa

  3. Some people don't like the Pop Cat game. Why not?
    A: They don't like cats
    B: They don't like the internet
    C: They think the game is a waste of time

1: B
2: A
3: C