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Glasses Help Deaf People See Words

Glasses Help Deaf People See Words

News For Kids

2022/10/07 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! Can you imagine being deaf? Talking to people would be really hard if you couldn't hear anything.

Some people can talk to deaf people using their hands. This is called sign language. But not many people know how to sign.

Now, to help deaf people, someone has made some very special glasses. They let you read what other people are saying! These glasses are great, they're like watching a movie with subtitles!

The glasses work because of smartphones. Smartphones hear the words people are saying. Then they write the words down, and send them to the glasses for people to read.

A man from England called Dan got the idea while watching his grandfather on Christmas Day. Dan's grandfather was lonely because he couldn't hear what people were saying.
有一個叫做 Dan 的人發明了這個眼鏡,因為有一年的聖誕節,他看到爺爺因為聽不見,沒有辦法了解別人在說甚麼,而感到很寂寞。

But now, thanks to these glasses, his grandfather won't feel lonely anymore!

Now, all deaf people need are these new glasses, and they can talk to lots of people! What a cool idea!


  1. glasses 眼鏡
    Are you looking at me? 你在看我嗎?
    No, I'm looking at my glasses. 不是,我在看我的眼鏡。
    You see, my glasses show me what you've said. 你看,我的眼鏡告訴我你說的話。

  2. hear 聽見
    Wow! How do your glasses do that? 哇,你的眼鏡怎麼做到的?
    I have a cell phone here. 我這兒有手機。
    It hears you, and sends the words to me. 手機聽到你說話,把你的話傳給我。

  3. read 閱讀
    And you can read the words. 然後你可以看到我說的話。
    Right, I can read them and then answer. 對,我可以讀那些字,然後回答。

  4. thank 道謝
    I can't believe it! 真不敢相信!
    Yeah, I have to thank the inventor. 對啊,我一定要謝謝這個發明人。

glasses 眼鏡
hear 聽見
read 閱讀
thank 謝謝


  1. What do the special glasses do?
    A: Let people hear sounds
    B: Let people read spoken words
    C: Let people speak louder

  2. What are the words seen in a movie called?
    A: Titles
    B: Conversations
    C: Subtitles

  3. What must the glasses be connected to?
    A: A TV set
    B: A smartphone
    C: Some speakers


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B