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Super Skinny Skyscraper

Super Skinny Skyscraper

News For Kids

2022/04/27 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


There's a new 'super skyscraper' in New York City!

A 'super skyscraper' is a building that's between 300 and 600 meters tall. Taipei 101 is about 508 meters tall… so Taipei 101 is a 'super skyscraper.'

Many cities around the world are building super skyscrapers because there isn't any more room! The only place to build is up!

There are about 8 million people in New York City, but New York City is quite small. So, what to do? Yeah! Build super skyscrapers!
紐約市不大,但是有八百萬居民,怎麼辦呢? 答案是超級摩天大樓。

And, they just finished building a new super skyscraper in New York… it's about 435 meters tall… so it's not as tall as Taipei 101.

But, this new building in New York City is the skinniest super skyscraper in the world! Skinny is another way to say 'thin.' And yeah! This new super skyscraper is super skinny! When you look at it, you think, "Wow… is that going to fall over?"

The reason it's so skinny is there just isn't any more land in downtown New York City.

Wow! This new super skyscraper is really super!


1) sky 天空
Look, Taipei 101 is really touching the sky! 你看,台北101真的碰到天空了!
That's because of the thick clouds, Jane. 那是因為雲層很厚。
To me it's the sky. 在我看就是天空。

2) building 建築物
I don't like super tall buildings. 我不喜歡超高建築。
Me either. They're blocking the sun. 我也不喜歡。它們擋住陽光了。

3) land 土地
I'm buying this land. 我要買這塊地。
What do you want it for? 你買它做什麼?
To build a windmill. 來建一個風車。
For your children? 給你的小孩?
For all children. 給所有小孩。

4) skinny 纖瘦的
That's one skinny puppy! 真是一隻瘦巴巴的小狗!
I think it's going to fall down. 我想牠會倒地。
No, it's walking well. 不會呀,牠走得很好。

Let's read these words.
sky 天空
building 建築物
land 土地
skinny 纖瘦的


  1. How tall is the Taipei 101 building?
    A: About 1000 meters tall
    B: About 508 meters tall
    C: About 20 meters tall

  2. What does 'skinny' mean?
    A: Tired
    B: Hungry
    C: Thin

3. Where is the world's skinniest new super skyscraper?
A: Tokyo
B: London
C: New York


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C