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Cook Makes Cricket Ice Cream

Cook Makes Cricket Ice Cream

News For Kids

2023/04/19 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I'm at an ice cream shop. I want one small scoop of ice cream. There are many flavors! There's chocolate… strawberry… vanilla…

WAIT! What is that?! Crickets?! In ice cream?!
我在冰淇淋店裡面,有好多種口味可以選,有巧克力、草莓,還有… 蟋蟀?

That's right! That's a strange flavor.

Thomas is a cook. He makes strange ice cream flavors. He made liver sausage and cheese ice cream! One time, Thomas put gold on ice cream! It was 130 NT dollars for one scoop!
Thomas 是個廚師。他做過很多奇怪口味的冰淇淋,像是豬肝香腸口味跟起司口味。還有一次 Thomas 把黃金放在冰淇淋上,一球要 130 元台幣!

Now he makes cricket ice cream!

How does Thomas make this strange ice cream? He uses cream, vanilla, honey, and flour. Flour is in cookies and noodles too. But this flour is cricket flour. You can't see these crickets.

Thomas also puts dried crickets on each scoop. You can see these crickets. Yummy…

Some people don't like his cricket ice cream. They think it looks nasty! But Thomas says most people love it!
有一些人不喜歡,不想吃蟋蟀冰淇淋,但 Thomas 說很多人都很愛。

What do you think? Would you eat cri… Ah! It's in my hair! Get it off me!


  1. chocolate 巧克力
    Have you tried the new ice cream place over there? 你去過那裡的冰淇淋店嗎?
    No, is it good? 沒有,好吃嗎?
    Yeah, their chocolate ice cream is unbelievable! 好吃,他們的巧克力冰淇淋好到讓人不敢置信!

  2. flavor 味道
    But my favorite flavor is vanilla. 但是我最喜歡的味道是香草。
    They have that, too. 他們也有。
    Vanilla with honey. 香草加蜂蜜。

  3. strange 奇怪的
    That sounds a little strange. 聽起來有一點兒奇怪。
    Maybe, but I heard it's very good. 也許吧,不過我聽說很好吃。

  4. noodle 麵條
    I'm in the mood for some noodles, though. 不過我現在想吃麵。
    Great idea! Who wants ice cream on a rainy day? 好主意!誰要下雨天吃冰淇淋?

chocolate 巧克力
flavor 味道
strange 奇怪的
noodle 麵條


  1. Which strange ice cream was 130 NT dollars for a scoop?
    A: Liver sausage
    B: Gold
    C: Cheese

  2. What does Thomas use for his new ice cream?
    A: Noodles
    B: Crickets
    C: Cookies

  3. Why don't some people want to try Thomas' new ice cream?
    A: It looks nasty
    B: It looks tasty
    C: It looks cold


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A