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Man Finds Mom's Ring Fifty Years Later

Man Finds Mom's Ring Fifty Years Later

News For Kids

2022/11/11 | 00:05:04 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


A ring is a special gift.

You can wear it on your hand, where you will always see it.

Then, you will always remember the person who gave it to you.

You will know that they care about you.

How would you feel if you lost your ring? You would be sad.

That's how Dave felt when he lost his ring. Dave lives in England. Fifty years ago, his mom gave him a gold ring for his birthday.
住在英國的 Dave 就搞丟了戒指,那是他媽媽50年前送他的生日禮物。

At the time, the ring was too big for him, but he still loved to wear it.

Dave wore it as he worked on his friend's farm. One day, he was picking strawberries. He saw the ring was gone from his hand! He looked everywhere, but he could not find it.

The ring was lost for many years.

A few weeks ago, Dave's friend called him with good news.

He had found Dave's gold ring!

The ring had been on the ground the whole time.

What's more, the ring now fit Dave's finger.

Fifty years later, he still remembers his mom and her special gift.


  1. wear 穿戴
    That's a beautiful ring you're wearing! 你戴的戒指好漂亮!
    Thank you! It's a gift from my boyfriend. 謝謝,這是我男朋友送我的禮物。
    I gave him a ring, too. 我也有送他戒指。

  2. remember 記得
    Does this mean you're engaged? 這表示你們訂婚了嗎?
    No, we just want to remember each other. 不,我們只是想記得對方。

  3. lose 失去
    I'd better not lose it. 我最好別把它搞丟。
    Because if you lose it, it means you'll forget him? 如果你搞丟了,表示你會忘了他嗎?
    No, I won't forget him. 不會,我不會忘記他。

  4. everywhere 到處
    I'll look everywhere for the ring. 我會到處找那個戒指。
    And I'm sure I'll find it. 一定會找到的。
    Or someone will find it for you. 別人也有可能替你找到。

wear 穿戴
remember 記得
lose 失去
everywhere 到處


  1. Who gave Dave his ring?
    A: His wife
    B: His dad
    C: His mom

  2. Where did Dave lose his ring?
    A: In the sea
    B: On a farm
    C: At a shop

  3. What was Dave's ring made of?
    A: Gold
    B: Silver
    C: Strawberries


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A