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The Oldest Gorilla in the World

The Oldest Gorilla in the World

News For Kids

2022/06/14 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

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Humans are a kind of ape.

Can you think of some other apes? Chimpanzees, orangutans, and my favorite, gorillas!

Gorillas in the wild usually only live for about 40 years. But the world's oldest gorilla just had a birthday.

Fatou the gorilla lives in a zoo in Germany and she is now the world's oldest gorilla. Fatou the gorilla is 65 years old!
名叫 Fatou 的母猩猩今年65歲了!她住在德國的動物園裡面。

Happy birthday, Fatou!

Fatou ate a cake for her birthday. The cake was made of rice, vegetables, and berries! The zookeepers in Germany said Fatou loved the cake!

Gorillas are the biggest kind of ape. But there are not very many left in the wild!

Big apes like gorillas need a lot of space and a lot of food. But people are cutting down too many trees in the rainforest in Africa. That's the gorillas' home. No trees, no space, no food… no gorillas!

It's not too late to save the gorillas. We need to stop cutting down trees in the rainforest!


1) in the wild 在野外
Let's go camping next week. 我們下星期去露營吧。
What? Living in the wild? 什麼,住在野外?
No, I can't do it. I'm a city girl. 我不行。我是都市女郎。

2) rainforest 雨林
It's not in the rainforest or anything like that. 又不是在雨林裡面或是類似的地方。
And you like wild animals! 而且你喜歡野生動物啊!
I only want to see them on TV. 我只想在電視上看牠們。

3) birthday cake 生日蛋糕
What's a tiger's birthday cake made of? 老虎的生日蛋糕要用什麼做?
Let me think. Beef and pork? 我想想,牛肉和豬肉嗎?
Maybe we can put in an apple too. 也許可以放一個蘋果進去。

4) food 食物
Apples are good food, but tigers may not like them. 蘋果是好食物,但是老虎可能不喜歡。

Okay, let's read today's words.
in the wild 在野外
rainforest 雨林
birthday cake 生日蛋糕
food 食物


  1. How old is the world's oldest gorilla?
    A: 25 years old
    B: 600 years old
    C: 65 years old

  2. Where does the oldest gorilla live?
    A: At a zoo in Germany
    B: At a zoo in Malaysia
    C: At a zoo in South Africa

  3. How can people help save wild gorillas?
    A: Stop cutting down trees in the rainforest
    B: Stop eating candy
    C: Stop doing your homework


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A