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Taiwan Ranked Happiest Country in East Asia

Taiwan Ranked Happiest Country in East Asia

News For Kids

2023/04/17 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

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Voice: 你好!

Narrator: Good morning! That woman is so happy! Hmmm… How happy is everyone in Taiwan?

There is a big group of countries. It is called the United Nations. Some people call the United Nations "the UN".
United Nations 聯合國,它是一個由很多國家組成的組織,英文縮寫是 "UN"。

The UN makes a list. It shows how happy countries are. This list is the "World Happiness Report".

The UN makes the list every year. It takes a long time. The list is not easy to make. The UN has to be fair.

The UN looks at many things. Do people feel good? Do they have a family? Do they have friends? Do people have jobs? Do they have money? Do they feel free? Can people get help? Do they think their country is good?

This year's World Happiness Report lists 137 countries.

The report says Taiwan is the happiest country in East Asia! The three happiest countries in East Asia are Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.

Finland is the happiest country in the world. Finland has been the happiest country for six years!

The three happiest countries in the world are Finland, Denmark, and Iceland. They are in Europe.

Which country will be the happiest next year? Good luck, Taiwan! We can do it!


  1. feel 感覺
    This is something I really don't understand. 這我就真的不懂了。
    What? 是什麼?
    Why do people in Finland feel happy? 為什麼芬蘭人會覺得快樂?
    Why not? 為什麼不?

  2. country 國家
    It's a northern country. 它是個北方國家。
    It's so cold and dark there! 那兒又冷又陰暗!
    Winter lasts five months in Finland. 芬蘭的冬季有五個月。

  3. family 家人
    Maybe it's because they have a loving family and many friends. 也許是因為他們有親愛的家人和很多朋友。
    Family and friends are important, I know. 我知道家人朋友很重要。

  4. look at 看著
    But so is sunshine. 但是陽光也很重要。
    I guess people can look at the sun online. 我想大家可以上網看太陽。

feel 感覺
country 國家
family 家人
look at 看著


  1. What is another name for "the UN"?
    A: The Unity Nations
    B: The Union Nations
    C: The United Nations

  2. How many countries are in this year's report?
    A: 137
    B: 37
    C: 107

  3. What is the happiest country in the world?
    A: Iceland
    B: Finland
    C: Taiwan


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B