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Small Cat is Mighty Hunter

Small Cat is Mighty Hunter

News For Kids

2021/10/21 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Here, kitty kitty kitty!

I love my cat! She's so cute! Did you know that my kitty cat and a lion are part of the same family? It's true! The cat family has big cats, like lions and tigers, and small cats, like my cat. 大型貓科動物包含獅子老虎,小型的就是家貓。

Many people think the lion is the "king" of the cat family… but the lion isn't the best hunter in the cat family. And nope, it's not the tiger either.

It's a small wild cat that hunts birds, and mice, and well… any small animal they can catch. 牠是野貓,什麼小動物牠都吃。

The best hunter in the cat family is called the "black-footed cat". 貓科裡面最厲害的獵人是黑足貓,牠的腳是黑色的。

It's only about 25 centimeters tall… that's just a little bigger than my cat! They live in the southern part of Africa.

The black-footed cat is always hungry… so every night, it goes hunting… and every night it catches lots of small animals! The black-footed cat is a much better hunter than a lion! 黑足貓每天晚上都出去獵殺很多小動物,比獅子還要猛喔!

The Black-footed cat is the best hunter in the whole cat family! Cool, huh? You don't have to be the biggest to be the best. Now, come here, kitty kitty… good kitty… you eat cat food, ok? No hunting for you… good kitty!



  1. Hunt 打獵,hunter 獵人。
    Only the best hunters go hunting in the jungle. 最好的獵人才去叢林裡打獵。
    Why? What's in the jungle? 為什麼? 叢林裡有什麼?
    Big cats like tigers. 大型貓科動物,比如說老虎。

  2. Night 夜晚。
    Some animals move around at night. 有的動物晚上活動。
    I don't go out until night time. 我也是晚上時間才出門。
    So you live like a bat? 所以你的生活像蝙蝠?

  3. Better 更好的。
    Cats or dogs, which do you like better? 貓咪跟狗狗,你比較喜歡哪個?
    Cats. 貓咪。

  4. Best 最好的。
    The best hunter in the sea is the shark. 海洋中最棒的獵人是鯊魚。
    I thought killer whales are the best. 我以為殺人鯨是最棒的。

Let's read the words together.
hunt 打獵
hunter 獵人
night 夜晚
better 更好
best 最好的


  1. What animals are part of the cat family?
    A: Dogs, rabbits, and ducks
    B: Hippos, eagles, and turtles
    C: Lions, tigers, and cheetahs

  2. What's the name of the best hunter in the cat family?
    A: The black-footed cat
    B: The green-finger cat
    C: The yellow mountain bear

  3. How big is the best hunter in the cat family?
    A: About the same size as an elephant
    B: About the same size as a tiger
    C: About the same size as a big pet cat

1: C
2: A
3: C