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The World's Youngest Astronomer

The World's Youngest Astronomer

News For Kids

2021/11/05 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you like looking up at the sky at night? You might see the moon and pretty stars all the way out in space!

It's not just beautiful to look at though, there's a lot to learn from space.

People who study space are called astronomers.

Usually it takes many years of school to become an astronomer. But one little 8-year-old girl in Brazil could become the world's youngest astronomer!

The girl's name is Nicole. And she has been interested in space since she was about two years old! For Nicole's fourth birthday, she even asked her parents for a telescope!

If you look into a telescope you can see a long way away, all the way into space!

While looking into space, Nicole has already found 18 asteroids. If they are confirmed to be real asteroids, Nicole will become the world's youngest astronomer!

People who discover asteroids, can also give them names! Nicole says she'll name the asteroids she finds after Brazilian scientists and her family!

Well done, Nicole! Keep doing what you love!


  1. Space 太空。
    People now can live in space. 人們現在可以住在太空中。
    Yeah, like on the International Space Station. 對啊,可以住在國際太空站上面。

  2. Telescope 天文望遠鏡。
    With a telescope, you can see the spots on the moon. 你用天文望遠鏡可以看到月球上的斑點。
    I would love to see them. 很想看呢!

  3. Astronomer 天文學家。
    I wanted to be an astronomer when I was little. 我小時候想要當天文學家。
    An astronomer? That sounds so serious. 天文學家?聽起來好嚴肅!

  4. Young 年輕的,youngest 最年輕的。
    The youngest student in my class is 7. 我班上最小的學生是七歲。
    That's too young! 太年輕了!

space 太空
telescope 天文望遠鏡
astronomer 天文學家
young 年輕的
youngest 最年輕的


  1. Where is the little girl in the story from?
    a. Brazil
    b. Mexico
    c. France

  2. What might she soon become?
    a. The world's youngest astronomer
    b. The world's tallest doctor
    c. The world's oldest farmer

  3. What can you use to help you see far into space?
    a. A mirror
    b. A rolled up piece of paper
    c. A telescope

1: a
2: a
3: c