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Students Grow Their Own Lunch

Students Grow Their Own Lunch

News For Kids

2022/11/21 | 00:05:11 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students, do you know what most students at school are thinking about in the morning? Of course, it's lunchtime!

Every day, hungry students need to eat. Who makes your lunch? Maybe your family makes it, or maybe the school's cook.

In some elementary schools, children only eat fast food, like hamburgers and french fries.

Yuck! That's not good for you!

In other schools, students can make lunch by themselves, and eat healthy. They are helped by a new program called "Chefs in Schools".

The program helps elementary students plant vegetable gardens. The students take care of their garden every day.

After lots of sunlight, water, love and care, their vegetables are ready to eat!

Students cook them into delicious meals. They even grow wheat, and use it to bake bread. It makes the students happy and strong.

What they don't use, they give to others in the neighborhood.

When those children grow up, they will know how to feed themselves, their families, and their friends.

If children learn to make healthy food, they will also learn to help themselves and others.


  1. garden 花園
    My elementary school has a vegetable garden. 我的小學有一座菜園。
    What do you grow? 你種什麼呢?
    Tomato and green pepper. 番茄和青椒。

  2. take care of 照顧
    Do you know how to take care of the plants? 你知道怎麼照顧那些植物嗎?
    Of course, they just need sunlight and water. 當然,它們只需要陽光和水。

  3. hungry 飢餓的
    All this talk is making me hungry. 所有這些話讓我餓了。
    What should we have? 我們吃什麼好?
    Hamburgers and fries? 漢堡薯條?
    No! Let's have something healthy. 不行,我們要吃得健康。

  4. meal 餐食
    I can cook a meal of fish. 我可以做魚料理。
    That sounds great! 聽起來很棒!

garden 花園
take care of 照顧
hungry 飢餓的
meal 餐食


  1. What is "fast food"?
    A: Hamburgers and french fries
    B: Bread and water
    C: Fruits and vegetables

  2. How does the "Chefs in Schools" program help students?
    A: It helps them make fast food
    B: It helps them grow vegetables
    C: It helps them get books

  3. What do students do with the vegetables?
    A: Sell them for money
    B: Feed them to animals
    C: Feed themselves and their community


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C