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The Oldest Dog in the World

The Oldest Dog in the World

News For Kids

2022/05/26 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

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Do you want to live to be 100? Or 120? Or 200?

Did you know there was a person from France who lived to be 122 years old? It's true! We know for sure that a woman in France really lived for 122 years and 164 days!

Amazing, huh?

Most people, and most animals, don't live that long.

Most dogs live for about 10 years. 10 years for a little dog is about 55 human years. 10 years for a big dog is about 65 human years.

Some dogs can live longer… like, maybe 15 years.

But, there is a dog in America that's now the oldest dog in the world!

And, it's a chihuahua!

This chihuahua has a funny name… TobyKeith… and he was born in January 2001.

That means TobyKeith the chihuahua is now 21 years old! Wow!

It's hard to say exactly, but if this chihuahua was a human, he would be about 100 years old!

Wow! I hope I'm still full of energy if I live to be 100… I don't think I will be barking though!


1) live 活
My mom lived for a very long time. 我媽媽活了很長的時間。
Over one hundred years? 超過一百年嗎?
One hundred and 9 years. 一百零九年。
That's how long she lived. 她活了那麼久。

2) true 真實的
That's amazing! 真驚人!
I know, but it's true. 我知道,不過是真的。
It's also true that she was not happy. 她不開心也是真的。

3) oldest 最老的
Do you know Susan well? 你跟蘇珊很熟嗎?
Yeah, she's one of my oldest friends. 是,她是我最老的朋友之一。

4) born 出生
Do you know when she was born? 你知道她是哪一年生的嗎?
I do. She was born in 1999 in Yilan. 知道,她1999年出生在宜蘭。

Would you like to live to be very very old?
live 活
true 真實的
oldest 最老的
born 出生


  1. How old is the world's oldest dog?
    A: 250 years old
    B: 75 years old
    C: 21 years old

  2. What kind of dog is the world's oldest dog?
    A: A chihuahua
    B: A Taiwan black dog
    C: A poodle

  3. In the story, it says a woman in France lived for how many years?
    A: 122
    B: 1035
    C: 102


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A