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Dance Floor Turns Body Heat Into Energy

Dance Floor Turns Body Heat Into Energy

News For Kids

2022/12/15 | 00:05:06 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Oh yeah! I love dancing! Feel the beat, woo! Do you like to dance? It's a lot of fun, but you use a lot of energy, too.

When we dance, our bodies make more heat. If lots of people dance together, the dance floor will also warm up!

Now, a dance club in Scotland wants to use all that heat. They have invented a dance floor that turns body heat into energy.

How does it work? Under the dance floor there are pipes to suck up the heat. Those pipes send the heat deep down into the earth. There, they put the heat into a battery.

Later, the dance club can use that heat to warm up on a cold day. They can even use it to heat water.

This technology helps the dance club save money. They don't need to buy heat, because they have this battery. What's more, it is good for the environment.

That's great news. It makes me want to dance some more. If we keep dancing, we can make more heat, and this technology can use that heat energy.

Everybody get onto the dance floor!


  1. dance 跳舞
    Listen to that music! 你聽這個音樂!
    It just makes me want to stand up and dance. 讓我真想站起來跳舞!

  2. heat 加熱
    That's a good idea. 好主意。
    Dancing can heat up this place. 跳舞可以讓這裡熱起來。
    It's so cold here. 這兒好冷。
    Now I feel hot! 現在我覺得好熱!
    It's a lot of fun, isn't it? 很好玩吧?

  3. energy 能源
    Scientists can even turn this heat into energy. 科學家甚至可以把這些熱氣變成能源。
    Energy that powers our heater? 可以供應我們暖氣機的能源嗎?
    I think so. 我想是的。

  4. club 俱樂部
    Then let's invite more people to dance here. 那我們邀請更多人來跳舞。
    We can even turn our house into a club! 我們甚至可以把房子改裝成俱樂部!

dance 跳舞
heat 加熱
energy 能源
club 俱樂部


  1. What do we call the place where people dance?
    A: Dance door
    B: Dance floor
    C: Dance wall

  2. Where in the world is this dance club?
    A: Scotland
    B: Sweden
    C: Singapore

  3. How can the dance club use the heat?
    A: To sell to other clubs
    B: To make people dance more
    C: To warm up on a cold day


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C