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Robot Sleeves Help People Move with Ease

Robot Sleeves Help People Move with Ease

News For Kids

2022/12/02 | 00:05:16 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Did you brush your teeth today? Drink a glass of water? Easy, right?

Some people find these things very hard. That might be because they are disabled. If your body finds things easy to do, you are "able". If it finds things harder to do, you could be less able, or "dis-abled".
有一些人要做這些事很不容易,可能是因為他們是身心障礙者。"disabled" 就是身心障礙。

People can be disabled for lots of reasons.

Blind people are disabled: they cannot see. For blind people who like to read, they made a book that you can feel instead of see!

Other disabled people find moving their body really hard. They have to use big, heavy, metal things to move, which is not very easy, or comfortable!

To help, scientists have made a new kind of arm-sleeve that is soft and comfortable. And it has a super-smart robot!

This sleeve uses small balloons that fill with air to help people move their arms comfortably and easily!

Tomorrow is the "International Day of Persons with Disabilities". So let's wish disabled people everywhere a great day!


  1. hard 困難的
    I find it hard to wash dishes. 我覺得洗碗很難。
    How could it be hard? 怎麼會很難?
    It's much easier than cooking. 它比做飯菜容易多了。

  2. easy 容易的,easier 比較容易的
    I enjoy cooking, but washing dishes is so tiring! 我喜歡作飯菜,但是洗碗好累人!
    Maybe you should buy a dishwasher. It'll make your life easier. 也許你該買個洗碗機,會讓你的生活容易很多。

  3. move 活動
    No, it's too big. 不要,它太大了。
    I won't be able to move around if I put it in my kitchen. 要是放進我的廚房,我就動彈不得。
    Then you just have to move your hands to wash the dishes. 那你只能動動手來洗碗了。

hard 困難的
easy 容易的
easier 比較容易的
move 活動


  1. How is a blind person disabled?
    A: They can't move
    B: They can't see
    C: They can't hear

  2. What is inside the new, comfortable sleeve?
    A: A glass of water
    B: A new kind of book
    C: Lots of small balloons

  3. What day is tomorrow?
    A: International Talk Like A Pirate Day
    B: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
    C: International Hot and Spicy Food Day


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B