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Mushrooms Can Talk

Mushrooms Can Talk

News For Kids

2022/06/09 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Here are a few questions for you:

What grows outside in the forest, but is not a plant? What is alive, but is not an animal? What is not an animal, and not a plant, but you can eat them?

The answer is mushrooms! Mushrooms are part of a special family of living things… not animals and not plants.

And, scientists say mushrooms can "talk" with electricity.

Mushrooms look small, but underground there is a huge mushroom world, and they are talking to each other. It's almost like they have a mushroom internet!

Mushrooms use electricity to talk. And, scientists now think they might have their own language.

Scientists think they've discovered at least 50 electric messages that are mushroom words!

They think one electric message is a word that means "danger!" and another means "there is food nearby!"

This is really cool, but it's a little hard for people to understand, because we use sounds to make words, but they use electricity!

Scientists are going to keep studying mushrooms and keep discovering amazing things about them and how they talk.

Who knows? One day, we might be able to talk to mushrooms!


1) underground 地下的
What animals live underground? 什麼動物住在地下?
I do. I live in the basement. 是我。我住在地下室。
I wouldn't count you as an animal. 你不算動物。

2) language 語言
Animals use a lot of body language. 動物用很多身體語言。
I know. 我知道。
My dog bares his teeth when angry. 我的狗生氣時會露出牙齒。

3) word 字
So he uses his teeth like we use words. 所以他用牙齒就像我們用文字。
I guess so. 大概是吧。
And the word means "angry". 而那個字的意思是生氣。

4) message 訊息
That's a clear message. 那是很清楚的訊息。
It is. My dog can send many other messages too. 是啊。我的狗也可以傳遞很多別的訊息。

Okay, let's read the words.
underground 地下的
language 語言
word 字
message 訊息


  1. What is not an animal or a plant, but is alive?
    A: Pizza
    B: Mushrooms
    C: Computers

  2. How do mushrooms talk?
    A: By screaming really loudly
    B: They use electric messages
    C: They use cell phones

3. What do scientists think they found?
A: They think they found a mushroom language
B: They think they found some jelly beans
C: They think they found a dancing dog


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A