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Milestone in Ocean Clean Up

Milestone in Ocean Clean Up

News For Kids

2022/10/03 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you know what a "milestone" is? In Chinese, it's 【里程碑】.

There are many kinds of milestones. When you become 18 years old, that's a milestone. When you get your first job, that's a milestone. And, if you get married or have a baby, those are milestones, too.

Today, I want to talk about a different kind of milestone. This one is about plastic. The milestone is about cleaning up a lot of plastic in the ocean.

First, I need to tell you about something called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a really big pile of plastic floating in the ocean. Most of that plastic is in very small pieces. It can hurt fish and other animals in the ocean.

Some people are trying very hard to clean up the plastic from the ocean. One of these people is a man named Boyan Slat. He made a special type of machine to clean up plastic from the ocean.
一個叫做 Boyan Slat 做了一台清理塑膠的機器。

This year, his machine hit a milestone. It cleaned up 220,000 pounds of plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. That's almost the same weight as a blue whale, the biggest animal on earth!

Wow! Congratulations!


  1. get married 結婚
    Tom says he's getting married when he's 21. 湯姆說他要21歲時結婚。
    But he's only 10 now! 但是他現在才十歲!

  2. try 努力
    Well, he says he'll try hard to save money. 他說他要努力存錢。
    How much has he saved? 他存了多少了?
    About one hundred NT. 大約一百塊吧。
    He has to try harder. 他得再努力一點。

  3. milestone 里程碑
    I think for him, 1,000 NT would be a milestone. 我想對他來說,一千塊就是個里程碑。
    That shouldn't be too hard. 那應該沒那麼困難。

  4. job 工作
    Maybe he can get a job. 也許他可以找個工作。
    He's too young to have a real job. 他太小了,不能真的去工作。
    He can water my plants. 他可以幫我的植物澆水。

These are very useful words.
get married 結婚
try 努力
milestone 里程碑
job 工作


  1. What is a milestone?
    A: An important day
    B: A heavy rock
    C: A kind of shoe

  2. What is 'The Great Pacific Garbage Patch'?
    A: A small pile of floating trash
    B: A breed of dog
    C: A big pile of floating trash

  3. What did Boyan Slat do?
    A: Made a machine to clean the ocean
    B: Named 'The Great Pacific Garbage Patch'
    C: Weighed a Blue Whale


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A