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World's Largest Chocolate Box Opens in Belgium

World's Largest Chocolate Box Opens in Belgium

News For Kids

2021/12/13 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


World's Largest Chocolate Box Opens in Belgium

Mmmm… I love chocolate. It tastes so good. Chocolate might be my favorite kind of candy.

I wish I could visit a chocolate factory and see how people make chocolate. That would be so much fun!

The chocolate factory I really want to visit is called The Barry Callebaut Chocolate Box in Belgium. Belgium 就是比利時, and it is a country in Europe.

And this chocolate factory is very special because it is the largest chocolate factory in the world.

It's as big as 12 soccer fields!

That is huge! If you had to run from one end of the factory to the other that would take you a long time. And you would be very, very tired!

This factory also makes a lot of chocolate. They make so much chocolate because they send it to 140 countries around the world.

The building even looks like a box of chocolate!

I would love to visit this chocolate factory in Belgium. Maybe I'll become a chocolate maker, and I can go there to learn how to make chocolate.

Then I can eat all the chocolate that I want, all the time! Yum!


  1. Largest 最大的。
    What is the largest city in the world? 世界最大的城市是哪個? Let me guess. 我來猜一猜。New York? 紐約? No. 不是。 Shanghai? 上海? No. It's Tokyo! 不對, 是東京。Tokyo is the largest city. 東京最大。

  2. World 世界。
    The world will be watching the 2022 World Cup. 全世界明年都會看世界盃比賽。So will I. 我也會。I love World Cup games. 我喜歡世界盃足球賽。

  3. Factory 工廠。
    They have a coke factory here. 這裡有個可樂工廠。 But I want to see a toy factory. 可是我想看玩具工廠。

  4. Visit 訪問。
    So would you like to visit this place? 所以你想看看這個地方嗎? No, not now. 現在不想。Maybe I'll visit next year. 我也許明年來拜訪吧。

Have you ever seen a factory? 我們來讀今天的單字。
largest 最大的
world 世界
factory 工廠
visit 訪問


  1. What kind of candy is this story about?
    a. Gummy candy
    b. Bubble gum
    c. Chocolate

  2. Where is the biggest chocolate factory in the world?
    a. The Bahamas
    b. Belgium
    c. Botswana

  3. How big is the factory?
    a. As big as 12 soccer fields
    b. As big as 12 ping pong tables
    c. As big as 12 swimming pools


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A