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Talking to Whales!

Talking to Whales!

News For Kids

2021/11/23 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

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Do you know that scientists are trying to talk to whales?

Really, I'm not joking!

Some whales sing… but some whales use clicking sounds. Scientists are using a super-powerful computer to record and listen to the clicks. The computer listens to thousands and thousands of hours of clicking sounds… and maybe soon, the computer will figure out what the clicks mean!

It's not going to be easy. We don't know if the whales in one part of the ocean use the same clicks as whales in a different part. Maybe whales have different languages!

New computers are using A.I. - artificial intelligence - to try to understand the whales! The A.I. computers are working hard right now… and scientists say they think we might soon be able to understand what the whales are saying! Cool!

And, if we can understand what the whales are saying… maybe we can learn to talk with them! Wow… talking to whales?! Amazing!

Hmm… what would you talk to a whale about?


  1. Whale 鯨魚。
    Scientists know that all whales make sounds. 科學家知道所有的鯨魚都會發出聲音。
    So they talk to each other? 所以牠們會交談?
    Yes, they also make sounds to find each other. 是的,而且也用聲音來找到對方。

  2. Listen to 注意聽。
    I listened to whale sounds online. 我有在線上聽鯨魚的聲音。
    It's interesting. 很有趣。
    Listen carefully, and you'll find different groups make different sounds. 你仔細聽就會發現不同鯨魚族群聲音也不同。

  3. Different 不同的。
    Let's order pizza. 我們來訂披薩。
    I have a different idea. Let's go out to eat. 我有個不同的主意,我們出去吃。

  4. Understand 了解。
    I've been at home too long. 我在家待太久了。
    I understand. 我懂。

Have you ever heard a whale talk?
whale 鯨魚
listen to 注意聽
different 不同的
understand 了解


  1. What kind of sounds do whales make?
    A: Clicking noises
    B: They bark like dogs
    C: They say 'cock-a-doodle-doo'

  2. How are scientists trying to understand what whales are saying?
    A. They are using a super-computer
    B. They are screaming into the ocean
    C. They are showing the whales cartoons, like Finding Nemo

  3. New computers have a special tool called AI. What does AI mean?
    A: Artificial intelligence
    B: Apple igloo
    C: Airplane ice-cream


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A