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Animals Laugh, Too

Animals Laugh, Too

News For Kids

2022/03/25 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Here's a question for you. Can animals laugh? Many people think only people laugh. But animals can laugh, too! Well, not like that. They don't sound like humans.

But at least 65 animals can laugh in their own way.

Some researchers from the USA found this out. They found out that dogs, seals, cows, monkeys and dolphins laugh. I wish I could tell you all of the 65 animals that laugh. But we don't have enough time.

Why do animals laugh? Researchers think they know why. Animal laughter usually happens when animals play. Many animals play. They often play fight.

They don't want to hurt the other animal when they play fight. They just want to have fun. The researchers think laughter is a signal.

Laughter is a signal to other animals that says, "Hey, I'm only playing. I don't want to hurt you."

Maybe that's why we laugh, too. Laughter might be a signal to other people. What do you think?


  1. Laugh 笑,laugher 笑聲。
    Have you ever heard animals laugh? 你有聽過動物笑嗎?
    Sure, my dog laughs all the time. 當然有,我的狗一天到晚笑。
    How do you know it's laughing? 你怎麼知道牠在笑?
    Its laughter is different from barking. 牠的笑聲跟叫聲不一樣。

  2. Sound like 聽起來像。
    What does its laughter sound like? 牠的笑聲聽起來像什麼?
    It sounds like coughing. 像咳嗽。

  3. Signal 訊號。
    Your dog is playing with the bowl. 你的狗在玩牠的飯碗。
    It's a signal that it's hungry. 這是牠餓了的訊號。

  4. Human 人類。
    Dogs are like humans in many ways. 狗狗在很多方面跟人類好像!
    I think they're smarter than humans. 我覺得牠們比人聰明。

These are fun words to learn!
laugh 笑
laughter 笑聲
sound like 聽起來像
signal 訊號
human 人類


  1. How many animals can laugh?
    A: 16
    B: 60
    C: 65

  2. When do animals usually laugh?
    A: When they are eating
    B: When they are playing
    C: When they are running

  3. Why do animals laugh?
    A: To make themselves feel better
    B: To scare other animals away from them
    C: To tell other animals they won't hurt them

  4. C
  5. B
  6. C