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New Rocket Goes to the Moon

New Rocket Goes to the Moon

News For Kids

2022/12/09 | 00:05:05 | SoundOn #education

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Yep, this rocket is going to the moon. The rocket is called "Artemis 1". It is the most powerful rocket ever!

Artemis 1 is so strong because it must go very far. It will take nearly a month to get to the moon and come back again. Even now, Artemis 1 is far from Earth, deep in outer space.

This rocket has no people. The scientists will stay on Earth, while machines on Artemis 1 will study the Moon.

If Artemis 1 is a success, they will send another rocket. The next rocket will carry people, and it will be called… Artemis 2!

Wow, what could people do on the moon? Could we work there? Could we even build a home, and live on the moon? The goal of the Artemis rockets is to answer these questions.

For now, we can only send a rocket to the moon. But in the future, you might live there.


  1. rocket 火箭
    There's something moving in the sky! 天上有東西在動!
    Wait, that's Artemis 1! 等等,那是阿提米絲一號!
    The rocket that goes to the moon! 那是去月球的那枚火箭。
    How can you be so sure? 你怎麼那麼確定?

  2. scientist 科學家
    I read a report about it yesterday. 我昨天看到報導。
    Scientists want to know if people can live on the moon. 科學家想知道人類能不能住在月球上。

  3. live 居住
    Living on the moon, wow! 住在月球上,哇!
    What would a moon house look like? 月球房屋會是什麼樣子?

  4. success 成功
    It may look like a spaceship. 也許像一艘太空船。
    That's so cool! 太酷了!
    Yes, so let's hope this mission is a success. 對啊,希望這次任務成功。

rocket 火箭
scientist 科學家
live 居住
success 成功


  1. What is this new rocket called?
    A: Luna 1
    B: Apollo 1
    C: Artemis 1

  2. How many people are on this rocket?
    A: Zero
    B: One
    C: Three

  3. What do scientists want to do with the next rocket?
    A: Push the moon away
    B: Bring people to the moon
    C: Blow up the moon


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B