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Robot Chameleon

Robot Chameleon

News For Kids

2021/09/11 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Which animals do you think are cool? I think a chameleon is pretty cool. Have you ever heard of a chameleon? It's a type of lizard that can change colors! 變色龍是一種蜥蜴。

Sometimes they can become really bright and eye-catching. Other times, you can hardly see them! 變色龍有時候顏色很鮮艷,有時候很難找到牠們。

Sometimes chameleons change colors to warm up or cool down. 換顏色有時候是為了調節身體溫度。

But chameleons usually change colors to show how they are feeling, and to communicate or "talk" to others. 通常是為了表達情緒或是想要溝通。

Some colors might mean: Hi, how you doin'? Come over to my tree.
Other colors might mean: Hey! This is my tree! Get outta here!

The ability to change colors is pretty special. 這種變顏色的能力很特別。Not many things can do that.

But now scientists have made a robot that can. They made a robot chameleon! 科學家已經發明出機器變色龍!

In the future, the color changing technology could be used for other things, like clothes!

Maybe we could wear a shirt that's blue in the morning and red at night! 未來這個科技可能會讓我們的衣服 變色! Wouldn't that be cool!



  1. Change 改變。
    I'd like to change the color of my hair. 我想變一變頭髮顏色。
    Your hair looks fine to me. 你的頭髮我看很好啊。
    No, I want to change it to blue. 不好,我想把它變成藍色。

  2. Color 顏色。
    Blue is a strange color for hair. 頭髮藍色怪怪的。
    Then pink. Don't you like the color pink? 那就粉紅色。你不是喜歡粉紅色嗎?

  3. Warm up 熱起來。
    The chameleon is warming up under the sun. 變色龍正在曬太陽讓身體變熱。
    I can easily warm up by drinking coffee. 我喝咖啡就可以熱起來。

  4. Cool down 冷下來。
    Could you turn on the air conditioner? 你可以開冷氣嗎?
    I need to cool down. 我需要涼快一下。
    Of course. It's on now. 當然,現在打開了。

change 改變
color 顏色
warm up 熱起來
cool down 冷下來


  1. What type of lizard is mentioned in the story?
    a. Crocodiles
    b. Chameleons
    c. Geckos

  2. What special thing can this lizard do?
    a. Fly
    b. Change colors
    c. Roar like a lion

  3. What have scientists made?
    a. A robot that can change colors
    b. A square ball
    c. A car with no wheels

1: B
2: B
3: A