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The Sun Will Explode in 5 Billion Years

The Sun Will Explode in 5 Billion Years

News For Kids

2022/02/15 | 00:05:27 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you know why there is so much light during the day? It's because of the sun!

The light from the sun makes everything bright.

But have you ever thought of what would happen if the sun… went out?

That is something that could happen, but don't worry. It won't happen for 5 billion years, which is a really, really, really, really long time from now.

We know that the sun will still be around for about 5 billion years because very smart scientists figured it out.

However, the scientists say the sun won't just burn out, it will actually explode.

When the sun cools down, it will expand, which means it will keep getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger… until it swallows up all of the planets that are near it!

That's scary! And it also doesn't sound like very much fun for anything that is still living on Earth.

But good thing we don't have to worry about it, unless we live to be 5 billion years old!


  1. Planet 行星。
    Look at the moon! 你看月亮!
    What a beautiful planet! 多美的行星!
    Our moon is not a planet. It's a satellite. 我們的月亮不是行星。它是衛星。

  2. Light 光線。
    There's so much light in this room in the morning! 這個房間早上有好多陽光!
    It's nice in winter time. 冬天時很好。
    But it gets really hot in the summer. 但是到夏天會好熱。

  3. Bright 光明的。
    I like a room that's bright and colorful. 我喜歡光明而且色彩繽紛的房間。
    Me too. I like bright colors like yellow and orange. 我也是,我喜歡亮色系的黃色和橘色。

  4. Cool down 冷卻。
    Don't drink the tea now. 現在別喝茶。
    Let it cool down a little. 讓它冷卻一下。
    Right. I'll try the cake first. 對,我先來嚐嚐蛋糕。

planet 行星
light 光線
bright 光明的
cool down 冷卻


  1. Why is it bright during the day time?
    a. Because of the sun
    b. Because of the moon
    c. Because of candles

  2. When will the sun go out?
    a. In 5 years
    b. In 5 million years
    c. In 5 billion years

  3. What will happen when the sun goes out?
    a. It will run away
    b. It will just stop burning
    c. It will explode


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C