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Teen Pilot Lands Plane

Teen Pilot Lands Plane

News For Kids

2023/02/24 | 00:05:20 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you like to fly in planes? They're a great way to travel. Planes can fly in the sky and go much faster than cars or trains.

The person who flies the plane is called the pilot. They need to keep everyone on the plane safe.

Brock is a new pilot from California. He's 18 years old. Recently, Brock had the scare of his life.
來自加州的 Brock 只有 18 歲,是一位新手飛行員。最近他經歷了人生的一場驚嚇。

When his plane had a problem, he had to think fast.

That morning, Brock took his family up in a small plane. He only finished pilot's school a few months before.

At first, everything was fine. Then, Brock heard a loud noise. The plane's engine had stopped! Brock knew there was big trouble.
一開始都很順利,但是 Brock 突然聽到一聲巨響,然後飛機的引擎停了!

He was scared. Then, he remembered his teacher's words: "If there is a problem, don't panic." Brock stayed calm, and looked for a place to land.

He saw a road below. It was the only hope. Brock took the plane down, slowly… Finally, they landed. Everybody was okay!
他看到下面有一條路,是他們唯一的希望。Brock 讓飛機慢慢地降落,最後大家都安全。

Brock's landing was amazing! It's not easy to land a plane on a road, but Brock stayed calm and saved the day!


  1. scared 害怕的
    How was the flight? 這趟航班怎麼樣?
    I was so scared! 我好害怕!
    First, the engine made this strange noise. 先是引擎發出奇怪的聲音。

  2. engine 引擎
    That shouldn't be a big problem. 那應該不是大問題。
    Yes, the plane has four engines, right? 沒錯,飛機有四個引擎,對吧?
    But then the pilot began talking to us. 但是後來機長開始講話。

  3. in the sky 在天上
    He said there were too many birds in the sky. 他說天上有太多鳥了。
    He wanted to land in Kaohsiung! 他要降落在高雄。

  4. safe 安全的
    Kaohsiung is a nice place. 高雄是個好地方。
    But I didn't want to go there. 但是我不要去那裏。
    And birds scared me! 而且鳥讓我害怕!
    It's okay. You're safe now. 沒關係,你現在安全了。

scared 害怕的
engine 引擎
in the sky 在天上
safe 安全的


  1. Who flies a plane?
    A: A pilot
    B: A doctor
    C: A driver

  2. Where did Brock come from?
    A: Canada
    B: California
    C: China

  3. Where did Brock land the plane?
    A: At an airport
    B: On a lake
    C: On a road


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C