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Sharks Help Scientists Discover Forest

Sharks Help Scientists Discover Forest

News For Kids

2022/12/13 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

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Have you ever seen a shark? It's a scary fish with lots of sharp teeth.

Recently, sharks have helped scientists find a forest on the ocean floor.

Scientists were looking for seagrass in the ocean. Seagrass is a plant that grows deep underwater. That means it's not easy to study.

But the scientists had an idea. They caught some sharks and put cameras on them, so they could see what the sharks saw. Then they let the sharks go in the ocean.

When the scientists watched the videos, they were amazed. They saw a huge forest of seagrass on the ocean floor, the largest seagrass forest in the world.

Seagrass is important because it can absorb lots of CO2. Too much CO2 in the air and water is the main cause of global warming.

If we can learn more about seagrass, we can better understand how to fight climate change. Now that we have found this seagrass forest, we can learn a lot, all thanks to those helpful sharks!


  1. shark 鯊魚
    I'd sure like to swim. 我真想游泳。
    There are no sharks in this part of the ocean, right? 這邊的海裡沒有鯊魚,對吧?
    Right. At least I've never heard of it. 對,至少我沒有聽說過。
    Okay, I'm going in. 那我下水了。

  2. ocean 海洋
    So how's the water? 海水怎麼樣?
    It's good, but there's something on the ocean floor. 很好,但是海床上有東西。

  3. scary 讓人害怕的
    You mean like shells? 你是說貝殼之類的嗎?
    No, it's big and moving around. 不是,它很大,會動來動去。
    Sounds scary. 聽起來有點可怕。

  4. plant 植物
    But it could be a plant. 但是有可能是植物。
    I'm pretty sure it's an animal. 我很確定是動物。

shark 鯊魚
ocean 海洋
scary 讓人害怕的
plant 植物


  1. Where does seagrass grow?
    A: In the ocean
    B: On mountains
    C: On trees

  2. Why is seagrass important to study?
    A: It's interesting
    B: It's delicious
    C: It absorbs CO2

  3. What does CO2 cause?
    A: Seagrass
    B: Global warming
    C: Sharp teeth


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B