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Even Turtles Make Sounds

Even Turtles Make Sounds

News For Kids

2023/05/24 | 00:05:09 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hi everyone! Do you… I'm at… Hey, guys! QUIET!!!

…Thank you! All those animals are so noisy!

Every different animal makes a different sound. Even turtles! Many people think turtles don't make sounds. But they do! How do I know? A scientist named Gabriel found out.
很多人以為烏龜不會發出聲音,但有一位叫 Gabriel 的科學家發現牠們其實會叫。

Gabriel was doing a study. It was not about turtles. The study was in the Amazon rainforest.

He heard turtles make sounds there! He wanted to know more. Why? Well, science says turtles do not make sounds.
Gabriel 原本在亞馬遜雨林做其他的研究,他聽到那裡的烏龜會叫!

Gabriel went home. He listened to his pet turtle. He heard his turtle make some sounds! Then he did a new study. He listened to 50 kinds of turtles. That's a lot of turtles!

All 50 kinds of turtles made sounds! So why didn't scientists know about turtle sounds?
他回家後聽自己養的寵物烏龜,發現牠也會叫。Gabriel 決定展開研究,聽了50種不同種類的烏龜,發現他們都會叫!為什麼科學家之前都不知道呢?

Gabriel first heard turtles in the Amazon rainforest. Indigenous people have lived there for a very long time.

Do they know about turtle sounds? Scientists have not asked them. Maybe they can ask. Maybe they can learn from indigenous people.

Gabriel found out something new. You can too. Go outside. Listen. What animals can you hear?


  1. loud 大聲的
    Guess which animal is the loudest in the world. 猜猜看哪種動物是世界最大聲的。
    The loudest, hmmm… Lions? Elephants? 最大聲的,獅子嗎? 大象?
    No, it's the whale! 不,是鯨魚!

  2. hear 聽到
    But they are in the sea! 但是牠們在海裡!
    You don't need to hear them. 你不需要聽到牠們。
    But their family does. 但是牠們的家人需要。

  3. kind 種類
    What kind of whales? 哪一種鯨魚?
    The sperm whale. 抹香鯨。
    Their sounds can travel a long way. 牠們的聲音可以傳很遠。

  4. know 知道
    I know that blue whales sing. 我知道藍鯨會唱歌。
    They do. They sing all day long. 會,牠們會唱一整天。

loud 大聲的
hear 聽到
kind 種類
know 知道


  1. What kind of animal did Gabriel listen to?
    A: Dogs
    B: Turtles
    C: Frogs

  2. Where did Gabriel first hear these animals?
    A: In a rainforest
    B: At home
    C: At a pet store

  3. Who has lived in the Amazon for a long time?
    A: Gabriel
    B: Gabriel's pet
    C: Indigenous people


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C