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Man Breaks Record in a Pumpkin Boat

Man Breaks Record in a Pumpkin Boat

News For Kids

2022/10/31 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


BOO! It's Halloween… MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

What do you think of when you hear the word "Halloween?" Maybe you think of ghosts. Or, maybe you think of bats, or witches.

Maybe you also think about pumpkins…

Today, I want to tell you about a really interesting pumpkin.

This is not an ordinary pumpkin. It is a huge pumpkin. It weighs 384 kilograms! If you cut a hole in that pumpkin, a person could sit in it.

That's exactly what an American man named Duane Hansen did.

First, he grew this huge pumpkin in his garden. Then, he cut a hole in the pumpkin and used it as a boat. He also used a plastic paddle. He traveled 11 hours down a river!
一個美國人 Duane Hansen把種出來的南瓜挖洞當成船,還用塑膠的槳,順著河流划了11個小時!

Why Did Duane Hansen paddle down a river in a big pumpkin? He wanted to set a record. How long did Mr. Hansen float in that pumpkin? He floated in that pumpkin for 61 kilometers!
他為什麼要這樣做呢?因為他想要打破世界紀錄。他坐在南瓜裏面漂了 61 公里!

Hansen beat another record that was set in 2016. In 2016, another American man paddled for about 40 kilometers down a river.
上一個世界紀錄在 2016 年,有一個人用南瓜划了 40 公里。

That's too difficult for me. I think I'll just eat pumpkin pie instead.


  1. pumpkin 南瓜
    We're having fish, rice and pumpkin soup tonight. 我們今晚吃魚,米飯和南瓜湯。
    Pumpkin soup, my favorite soup! 南瓜湯,我最喜歡的湯!

  2. use 使用
    A big pumpkin can be used as a boat. 一個大南瓜可以用來當一艘船呢。
    But I'd like to eat it, not to sit on it. 但是我想吃它,而不是坐在上面。

  3. float 漂浮
    There's something floating on the river. 有東西漂在河面上。
    I can't believe it! It looks like a pumpkin! 我真不敢相信,看起來像南瓜!
    And there's a person inside! 裡面還有一個人!

  4. river 河流
    What a way to travel down the river! 好特別的一趟河流之旅!
    That's it. I will buy a pumpkin tomorrow. 我決定了。明天就去買一個南瓜。

你有看過南瓜做成的船嗎? 來一起讀單字。
pumpkin 南瓜
use 使用
float 漂浮
river 河流


  1. Where did the man get the pumpkin from?
    A: He bought it at a store
    B: He found it near a river
    C: He grew it in his garden

  2. What record did he break?
    A: Growing the biggest pumpkin in America
    B: Traveling the farthest in a pumpkin boat
    C: Eating the most pumpkin pie

  3. How far did he paddle in the pumpkin?
    A: About 40 kilometers
    B: About 60 kilometers
    C: Nearly 400 kilometers


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B