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Too Much Space Junk

Too Much Space Junk

News For Kids

2022/10/26 | 00:05:39 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


3… 2… 1… Lift off!

Yep! Another rocket is going into space!

Did you know that humans have been putting rockets into space for about 65 years?

We send rockets into space, but many times, after they go up, pieces of them never come back down! We call these things "space junk."

Space junk is a big problem - one of these pieces could hit a spaceship!

And, in space, everything moves super, super fast. So when one piece of space junk hits another piece of space junk… it's a huge crash!

And the crash makes even more space junk! The pieces get even smaller! And then they keep flying around the earth.

Wow! People are sometimes really messy! We even make messes in space!

Maybe someday special robots can go into space and help clean up space junk.

It's not going to be easy, but if the whole world works together, we can find a way to do it. But, the first thing we should do is stop putting any more junk into space, right?


  1. spaceship 太空船
    Look, a spaceship! 你看,太空船 !
    I think that's a satellite, Paz. 我覺得那是一顆人造衛星。
    It could be a spaceship. 也有可能是太空船。

  2. junk 垃圾
    You may be right. 你也許說對了。
    But even if it's a spaceship, it could become space junk someday. 不過就算是太空船,有一天它也會變成太空垃圾。
    Is there a lot of junk in space? 太空裡有很多垃圾嗎?
    Yeah, a lot. 是,有很多。

  3. mess 混亂
    What a mess you have here! 你這裡真是一團亂!
    Sorry. We had a party last night. 真抱歉,我們昨天開派對。
    Let me clean it up. 讓我來清理一下。

  4. messy 凌亂的
    How could you sleep in this messy room? 你怎麼能睡在這個亂七八糟的房間?
    Easy. I didn't sleep. 很簡單,我沒睡。
    We talked, laughed and danced all night. 我們整晚聊天說笑,還跳舞。
    spaceship 太空船
    junk 垃圾
    mess 混亂
    messy 凌亂的


  1. What is "space junk?"
    A: Pieces of rockets
    B: Kitchen garbage
    C: Dirty socks and shoes

  2. What happens when space junk crashes?
    A: It eats ice cream
    B: It gets smaller
    C: Nothing

  3. How fast does space junk fly around the earth?
    A: As fast as a running horse
    B: Not very fast
    C: Super fast


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C